Different Track Levels


Nov 6, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Hey guys,

I did something retarded and tracked some guitar levels hotter than others in the same song. A band I'm recording came in for a few different sessions on the same song and I turned the DI channels input higher this last time. So some of my DI tracks are hotter than the others. Question is, do I just edit each tracks individual levels? Or is there some sort of function or plugin for this sort of problem?
Just use a gain plug to reduce the level of the regions that are too loud. If you have the right software, you can analyze the RMS level of the quieter regions, and apply the appropriate amount of attenuation to the louder regions so that the RMS level matches. In Pro Tools you can use the Gain and Normalize plugs to analyze and add/subtract gain, other DAWs should have similar functionality.
I'm a little confused...just push up or pull down the fader til it's at the level you want it? :confused:

They are different takes on the same track. So the 1 guitar track for example goes down in volume where the older takes are and goes up in volume where the newer takes are. Total rookie move on my part. This is the first band I've ever attempted to record and its pretty exciting but also a good learning experience none the less :)

Just use a gain plug to reduce the level of the regions that are too loud. If you have the right software, you can analyze the RMS level of the quieter regions, and apply the appropriate amount of attenuation to the louder regions so that the RMS level matches. In Pro Tools you can use the Gain and Normalize plugs to analyze and add/subtract gain, other DAWs should have similar functionality.

I will definitely check these out, Im not sure what my DAW has, Im using Cubase SE, but I'll check out some of those plugs and play around with em. Thanks Cory!
They are different takes on the same track. So the 1 guitar track for example goes down in volume where the older takes are and goes up in volume where the newer takes are. Total rookie move on my part. This is the first band I've ever attempted to record and its pretty exciting but also a good learning experience none the less :)

Ohhhhhh, my apologies. You could always try normalizing the items to a similar level?

Edit: Someone has already said this. I hate myself.
Yea, its extremely ancient haha. I really want to get a new DAW soon, but it's not looking like it's going to happen for a while.
you should be able to just click on each region and drag the little square in the middle of the track up until each waveform is the same size.
If you were punching in, then you'll need to do some really careful gain automation, but if they're just different tracks it won't matter. Are you needing the DI tracks for reamping or something? Your regular mic tracks should be the same volume, as they're not affected by the DI level.

Thanks for all the info guys. I am def. considering a new DAW very soon. Its just so hard to choose, and lack of funds doesn't help either hehe. I do need the DI tracks for reamping later. We used a POD for tracking purposes but we're just really wanting to re-amp later, as all the tracking is done in my home.
you should be able to just click on each region and drag the little square in the middle of the track up until each waveform is the same size.

Yes! This will fix your problems. I use it all the time in Nuendo for gain staging.

:wave: PlugSlut