Differing formats for the new release?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I guess I could have posted this in the The End forum, but perhaps you guys could divulge....is the new album coming out in regular jewel case CD format only, or will we have the option to choose vinyl or digipak CD? Perhaps 8 track? :loco:

*hopes that digipak CD version will be an option*
We did talk about a Digipak at first, but at the end of the day, it was decided to release the disc in a "normal" CD format. Digipacs are too expensive to manufacture in the states. Maybe digipac for the European release? We'll see. Hopefully down the road, Infinate Vinyl will release it, or it will be licenced in the future for vinyl. I'd love to see it in Digi, so it could happen down the line.
In that case, a jewel case it shall be. :)

(Personally I wish all my CD's were digipaks. I know they must be more expensive to manufacture, but damn, a good digipak will bring the artwork alive. It's a shame that the world went from 12" vinyl sleeves to plastic jewel cases).
I agree totally, I'd have loved to see this disc in Digipack form. I think sometimes little touches like that can be what makes the difference between someone buying your disc or just burning it off of someone. Even so though, I'm quite happy with the way the cd package looks right now, jewel case and all. The artwork is so cool, the booklet looks great. I'm so pleased that we've had the good fortune to have artists like Travis and Attila work with us in the past.

I want to have at least one of our albums be pressed onto 12" vinyl, man. I looooove vinyl so much. I still buy records alot, whenever I can find them and whenever I can afford them. I remember buying the early Opeth albums on vinyl a few years ago and I loved listening to them that way. Hell, it'd even be cool if they just released cds in giant 12 inch sized packaging like old records haha...though I realise its not very practical.
I know that some labels have become discouraged with digipacks, because alot of people complain about the packaging falling apart very quickly (such as the cd tray inside coming loose easily...) and so it puts pressure on labels to have to refund people's money or replace them, etc., and that gets costly especially for the smaller labels/distros, however I still think it's a pretty cool format, and most of my digipacks have maintained pretty well over the years, though you do have to make sure you take better care of them than a standard jewel case.