difficult chosen => "The Arrival" or "Catch 22"

The Arrival wipes catch 22 all over the floor. And they are not similar, your ears have been hit with a crocadile ass if you think that. The Arrival is quite possibly their best effort, catch 22 is meh.
catch22 is a hunk of shit.... even the best musicians, the masters, lay down some sour notes.... there is NOTHING in the arrival that even REMOTLEY reminds me of catch 22, other than the band members. the arrival is their best album in a long time...osculum and the 4th dimention will always be my faves, but the arrival is great. it re-assures me that we won hear more 'catch 22 style' albums
the arrival is TOTALLY different from catch 22..

the arrival is amazing and puts catch 22 to shame
I agree, Catch 22 and The arrival are quite different...i prefer the last one with no doubt, because it's a kind of return to the past after Catch 22's experiments, a look behind to their whole career of the band, but given with a "touch" of future, creating something new, different, maybe hybrid, but brilliant...great album !
I see TA and C22, almost similar between them, because I repute C22 a classical Hypocrisy album, (except that for two songs, where I don't recognize them) some people consider this album, not to the height of the others, behh I don't think this way!
for me TA is the exact continuous of C22.... :loco:
Catch 22 had some great songs though... destroyed, on the edge of madness, seeds of the chosen one, track 5, and 6 :loco:
I havnt heard catch 22, but I hear it sucks! the Arrival rocks but isnt as good as abducted. Abducted has the best hypocrisy song on with "Carved up" Yeah boys you know what Im talking about, hope youll be playing that one live!!! It is shit hot :hotjump:
The Arrival is what Catch 22 should have been. It retained all the catchy elements of Catch 22 but placed them in Hypocrisy's particular style of death metal.

The Arrival is also a very good album, while Catch 22 is average at best.
I´m not agree the arrival and catch are quite different, are very different, the catch album is not a bad album but it´s not what i was expecting from hypocrisy however the arrival is one of the best, only that i can´t tell which of all of them are the best, i think all are good albums in their particular sound
The Arrival is definately better than Catch 22.

Catch 22 was not a piece of shit. It's one of their most different, and imo most nu-metalish, but the album did have some very memorable songs on it. See Edge of Madness, Uncontrolled, and All Turns Black. Those songs were fucking awesome. It sucks Hypocrisy got so much shit for that album...
Catch-22 is a decent album, but for a HYPO album it's not that good. I certainly DO NOT hate it, but I will say The Arrival is much better.
catch 22 is a very good album! It contains one of my fav hypo songs of all time, All Turns Black. Those lyrics, the vocals during the chorus and the darkness of the feeling of the song just rule!!!

The Arrival is bad ass!! my 3rd fav hypo album of all time. Just wish Peter would do some more clean vocals again!