Digi 002 Factory Bundle or Digidesign Command 8 Control Surface? HELP

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
Budget : $2,500 - $3,000.

I currently have the mBox2 Factory Bundle, and I am about to upgrade to the Digi 002 (unless someone can direct me to a protools mixer with more than 8 tracks running at once).

Does the 002 Factory Bundle include more stuff than the mBox2 Factory Bundle?

also, which mixer is better?

Help please!
For your budget you can get the digi002 rack and the swoop a tascam us2400 mixer which connects to the 002 and works together and i think its all motorized faders and stuff also. I want one though but I'm just short on cash :mad:
yea you can add 8 more channels with lightpipe aka adat. For a total of 16 but then there is spdif too so you can have a total of 17 or 18 channels i think.

Behringer ada8000 is a cheap 200 to get you 8 more channels with 002 but there is several options you can get like digimax and that octopre. Good luck and let us know what you get and what you think!!
wow, the 002 + tascam us2400 looks like a great idea!


I use a US2400 with an RME Fireface (see avatar). I got one of the last 2400's from the UK back in August.

Apparently, withdrawn due to the high lead content in the frame which was in breach of the EU regulations. Tascam product support for this unit was non-existant beforehand so I guess they decided to ditch it altogether rather than a redesign of the construction materials of the base frame.

I love mine though....
I use a US2400 with an RME Fireface (see avatar). I got one of the last 2400's from the UK back in August.

Apparently, withdrawn due to the high lead content in the frame which was in breach of the EU regulations. Tascam product support for this unit was non-existant beforehand so I guess they decided to ditch it altogether rather than a redesign of the construction materials of the base frame.

I love mine though....

Interesting, I never really had heard before whether or not it was gone for good or what the deal was. It's also kind of weird that Tascam hasn't come out with something similar to replace it, because the US-2400 was really the only thing with 24 faders at anywhere near that price range. I got mine new in February of 2006 for only $600. Does the discontinuation of it mean that the resale value has gone up? I don't want to sell mine, but I'm still curious...
Couldn't find one on ebay. Maybe it takes some time until everyone gets that they're out of stock...

Im Recording Magazin 4/2006 ist eine Anzeige vom Musicstore, dass sie noch 100 Stück vom US-2400 haben. Online hab ich sie jetzt nicht mehr gefunden, aber vielleicht rufst du dort mal an...
Interesting, I never really had heard before whether or not it was gone for good or what the deal was. It's also kind of weird that Tascam hasn't come out with something similar to replace it, because the US-2400 was really the only thing with 24 faders at anywhere near that price range. I got mine new in February of 2006 for only $600. Does the discontinuation of it mean that the resale value has gone up? I don't want to sell mine, but I'm still curious...

You're right that there's nothing near it in terms of price with 24 motorized faders.....a lot of folks seem to buying the cheap Behringer BCF units with 8 faders and some smaller controllers are out there for Albeton, but there is a big gap in the market. The Mackie unit was the same price as the US-2400 and only had 8 faders. M-Audio have a couple of non-motorized things too I think.

I'd say that the US-2400 was a bit of an enigma. People wanted the functionality of some of the big Digi PT controllers for about 10% of the price. This thing is basically 24 faders and pan pots and that's it. If that's all you expect from it, it's very cool, but some folks expected deep controlling of plugs and whatnot which it doesn't really do too well (if at all). It can freak out on some occasions but in terms of bang for the buck I'm not complaining.

It's a big unit for the relative little functionality it has but that was part of the appeal for me. Real faders which feel like an old school desk, which I grew up using. I couldn't go back to point'n'click mixing now. This thing has improved my work-flow to no end. I bank switch like a madman and my project template is at 96 tracks :headbang:

Resale value-wise, I'm not really sure and hadn't thought about it. I'd say the value will go up until something else like it comes onto the market. However I don't know if that will happen. Most manufacturers are going down the interface + mixer combo route rather than a dedicated controller.