Digital Bleeding - ever heard of it?

Nuclear Vampire

Metal Machine
Apr 30, 2003
Got a problem here,

I'm using Cakewalk Guitar Tracks2 and Cakewalk Guitar Studio to record on to my PC. I'm plugging my Charvel into the Pod 2.3 and the Pod into my Behringer UB802 mixer. From there I'm going into the Line In on my soundcard.

I laid down my drum tracks (with a Boss DR-670) and now it seems that when I record any other tracks, the drums are bleeding into that new track AND making them (the drums) sound as if they're run through a flanger! Sounds like they're coming thriough a long hollow tube or something.

2 of the songs are drums only in the intro and "that sound" is there. Even when you mute the drums, you can hear them in the other tracks. It's driving me nuts.

My PC is a P3 800 with 288 megs of RAM and the soundcard is a Soundblaster Live 5.1. The hardware shouldn't be the problem. Is it? Getting a new card (or any other equipment for that matter) is out of the question for now. Am I doing something wrong? Anybody ever hear of this before? Is it a Cakewalk thing?

Sorry for all the questions but I'm at the end of my rope. :hotjump:
I had that happen, and I got it to quit....but I'm not sure I remember how I did it. It's been awhile. :(

I'm not sure if all soundcards are similar, but on my laptop's "volume control" panel there is an advanced option under "Microphone balance" that has a check box for a 20db gain. I have to make sure that is OFF. Which also leads to another possible "thing". Your volume slider under Microphone balance needs to be more than half way up if possible. Control your input levels with your Boss and/or Pod's volume control. I think that will help. You have to find the right balance between pedal output level and microphone level.
I hope that helps...but I'm not sure if it will. The only other solution I know of is a better soundcard, made for the kind of application you''re trying to do.
Is the drum machine turned off? I've had problems where I kept the machine hooked up and everytime I pushed play the midi would kick it in. Therefore there were two drum tracks, slightly out sync played back (flange sound) and you still hear them when you mute the tracks.
Well I figured it out. There's an option on Soundblaster cards called "What U hear". It's a really crappy onboard mixer thing. I disabled it and it sounds fuckin great now!