Digitech 2112


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
I have not only heard decent things about this in the past, but a friend of mine is buying one in the near future to replace his Pod Pro that went tits up on him. I was wondering if there was anyone here that used one, and if they had any good info they'd be willing to divulge here on the unit.
Other top names that use it, any decent patches you've come across, the usual. I tried to do some searching, but didn't find anything worth any time spending on...HC reviews that didn't tell me anything for the most part.
Hmmm I wish I could provide you with some detailed info but I have had trouble finding out the answers to your questions also. I think it's mostly because it's an old unit that's not in produciton anymore.

One tip that I can give based on my own experimentation is to find the 2112 sound you like best and then bypass the cab emulator of the unit and use the cab emulator from another unit. I did that running the 2112 into the POD XT Pro and I was able to get some really great tones! The purpose this of course was done for my direct internal recording signal. I'll usually split the guitar signal to have a mic'd sound and internal.

Wish I could have been more help to you!
My buddy uses the 2112 religiously. I know Jack Owen from Cannibal Corpse used one, or a similar one. My buddies has a preamp tube built in right under the pedal of all places to put a delicate tube. They're built like a tank for sure though, unlike the fucking pod shit. I dig the pod's tones way more though.
I use one now and then at home to track riffs and send them to my other guitarist. I actually used it on some cheap demos about 8 or 9 years ago too. As for the Cab emulation, Yeah, bypass that shit... It basically just goes from muddy to fizzy, not much use in it.
I had Digitech Valve FX which was pretty similar to the unit you are talking about. It was a single rack space and you could only run 3 effects at a time (which is plenty really). And yes the cab sim was super primitive by todays standards. Even though it had a tube in it to lighten things up, the distortion was very much solid state.
I have not only heard decent things about this in the past, but a friend of mine is buying one in the near future to replace his Pod Pro that went tits up on him. I was wondering if there was anyone here that used one, and if they had any good info they'd be willing to divulge here on the unit.

How about this?

ftp://ftp.digitech.com/pub/PDFs/Discontinued/Manuals/2112 Manual.pdf

I used a 2101 for years ( predecessor to the 2112 ) and I even went so far as to put Mesa tubes in it which made a huge difference from the Ruby tubes it shipped with. I own a Mesa Triaxis now and there's no comparison with tone. I ran the Triaxis thru the 2101 ( in all possible configurations ) and the tone degradation the 2101 caused was so severe I sold it immediately.

In the 2112 they introduced the dual-distortion stuff so you could use a 'tube' distortion and a solid state one at the same time and stuff like that. I never got to play with one but if you're just getting into guitar FX and it's really cheap ( $150 or less ) I'd say go for it. The 2120 was a slightly beefed up version of the 2112. I don't recall the differences though.

The ValveFX midget donkeys had was basically a stripped down 2101 that came out a few years after the 2101. I suspect the same tone killing circuitry lies within it. Just remember, most of the time, you get what you pay for. I bought a Yamaha EMP-100 for $30 on eBay. It's not great but I only use it fuckin off at home since I rarely play with any FX. It has some nice chorus and delays. Beats a Boss pedal fo sure. But again, it's nearly vintage and I got what I paid for, nothing more.

Obviously I used to sweat Digitechs' knuts back in the day...
owning a 2101, really digging it, Pat Metheney still uses one and like someone already said, Jack Owen
used one, too, Petey G from Red Seas Fire used a 2120 afaik before he switched to the Axe-FX and
if you know how to use these units, you can get pretty good sounds from them.


last recording I did with the 2101, cheap Ibanez SZ320 into Digitech-->Interface-->LeCab2 with, I think,
awesometime 3 impulse.

Used it live with a Rocktron Velocty 150 and later with an Engl 30/30 poweramp, the guitar player in my
old death metal band used my rack, too, sound was always at least decent. The quality of these things
is really good and I have the feeling they were a bit ahead of there time and the stock presets suck, so
many people who tried them and just switched through the stock presets had the feeling that it sucks.
But you have sooo many ways to tweak the sound, my main preset for example has the standard 6 band
geq, 15 band geq and a 5 band parametric eq.
That sounds pretty good Stef. I think using the impulses probally helped alot. The cab sim on my ValveFx was rather lame.

I have thought of picking up one of the 2120 or 2112 to play around with since they sell for pretty cheap now in the states.
thanks, and like I said, that was with a cheapass guitar, into the cheapest interface I could find
and it was actually a solid state sound, because my tubes are fucked at the moment.
Used almost the same eq settings before when my tubes were still ok, just a less lows and low
mids because the solid state sound is just a bit tighter, but it sounds good with a tube screamer,
so that's no problem ;)
Bass was 2101, too, really digging it for bass right now and you can go batshit with the effects :D
The 2112 was probably for me the best money i ever spent in 1997- as a young guy starting out in guitar that was my first Effects Unit- spent my summer working then paid it off.

I am sorry and sad that digitech never supported this product. as even today there is no unit out there and I am talking POD HD PRO/ AXE FX II ( I have both TRUST ME ON THIS) that even comes close to the deep menu options on effects / RT time changes, LFO's DYNAmic CC pressure changes ( hard to soft effects) for modifications as the 2112 has. Try doing some of the real time LFO/ DYN RT changes on new effects units THERE AINT ANY!!!

Over the years you must open the unit up and use some grease spray I use release all on the front knobs as some rust over the years will screw up the knob function this would not be a problem if digitech made an editor for this unit as they never did.

I made some modifications for this unit over the years of course, added another guitar Input on the front added another output on the back ( home made projects) added a headphone jack ( 1/4 ) on the front as well.

Last year I made the ultimate project was trying to do this for a while but finally got off my ass and put an Edirol FA 101 ( 10 in 10 out firewire) inside the 2112 ( FA101 is 90% modular so very easy to take it appart and toss the shell out LOL ) this way all sound goes from 2112 into the edirol and out firewire to Samplitude

The 2112 is a techs machine it is not meant for regular joes, this is when digitech was at their peak they added stuff that engineers wanted. The dynamic RT effects possibilities is a big example. Play slow and you get a 12 octave 12 string effect, play harder and you get delay with Overdrive solo that is just an example.

We should petition Digitech to finally release an editor for this unit 2112/2120
I did install the upgrade the firmware chip so it can be compatible with RPedit ( Made by someone other than digitech VERY LAME for digitech)

The biggest challenge of the Unit was it's time way to advanced and way too many menus i mean there is 10 menus for a full reverb module options!!!!\

I will never give this unit up, sure I use the new units for the new effects of course, but the 2112 is always there and the tubes are still working 100% and the same battery is still on it this from 1997-2112 very good quality.

Digitech when you going to release a proper editor for the older units?

I have some sysex patches and dumps if anyone wants them, , ie metalica, u2, stones, maroon 5, jamie walters, blondie, crowded house, tears for fears

Since this unit is from 1997 is can duplicate many older bands and their effects

Hands down the best box for lush cleans, just play a nice strat through preset 19 and you'll see what I mean. :)
I have a 2120 and control one pedal board . it's not my thing. i need to sell it on ebay one of these days. bought it and the control one board off of all the hype and didnt care for it once i got it.
Well I know I'm a little bit late for the thread, but for those stumbling across it still like myself. I know Norther used the 2112 on their album "N". From what I can tell off that album its a sweet unit.

I just picked up a GSP 2101 Artist and its interesting. I wish I would have waited and tried to buy a 2112, but I'll probably still keep it. From what I've heard ENGL built the e530 preamp based off of the distortion that the 2101 has...correct me if I'm wrong though.

I was a die-hard 2101 guy for about 10 years, and owned a 2112 before moving on to tubes and modelers and all that jive.

The 2112 is awesome. My old 2101 sucked running direct, but it had the most awesome 80's thrash/shred tone in it ever. This thread kinda makes me GAS for another one, haha.