dilemma: one of my students wants to put her b5 fanfic in our literary magazine

Should I encourage my student to put her B5 fanfic in the literary magazine?

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Nov 8, 2001
New York City
it will clearly be hilarious but she will also pretty clearly regret it when she is no longer 13 and a freshman. do I let her or encourage her to keep her b5 fanfic out of permanent publications?
i'm guessing Babylon 5. no i've never seen the show. i'd own up to it if i did, i read like 5 Asimov books last year.

i hate fanfic. but then again i like the first choice of the poll. hmm.
So is anything in the star wars universe that isn't in the movies or directly referenced or written by George Lucas, which includes every video game. I'm not going to go out of my way to defend fan fiction but if the writing is good...
I haven't read any fancfiction but theoretically some could be good or even better than the source material. However wouldn't it generally be a good idea to direct a child who is good at writing towards original work? If for no other reason, so they learn to develop characters from the ground up instead of just faitfully portraying predeveloped ones.
no, if it was babylon 5 i would definitely let her put it in.



some boy band!!!
Shit... I thought it was babylon 5.. this is terrible... on the other she might read this in a while and laugh. B5 probably won't have any historical value, good or bad, in the future so I wouldn't worry about that. If she wants to do it and you think will help her then do it.
well, if my daughter wanted to write boy-band fanfic for publication and her teacher let her I think I would probably ask the teacher be investigated for educational neglect.

nevertheless I'm leaning toward (and voted for) option 1.