Dimebag PanterA Tribute Tattoo

Dec 13, 2011
Hey folks !

Just got my first tattoo yesterday !

It's not finished yet. There's gonna be a scroll around it with 1966 - 2004 written on it :)

Got me wondering there's got to be other sneapsters with a tribute to Dime and/or PanterA Tattoo !

So come on show those tattoos ! :Smokedev:
Rad.. a fitting tribute to the baddest MFer there ever was. I have thought of getting a CFH a couple times but havent pulled the trigger yet.
I personally would never get a tat of/relating to/ext someone that's no closer than a stranger. (get it? lol)

That being said, I love the Dime! Nice tribute tat.
I personally would never get a tat of/relating to/ext someone that's no closer than a stranger. (get it? lol)

That's actually what i said to myself at first a long time ago.
But dimebag, his tone, sound, the feeling in his playing... and his mighty riffs got me into metal. into music and immensely contributed to who i am today. All thanks to my cousin who isn't with us anymore, presented their music to me. So this tattoo means a lot to me :)