Dimebag's death - a typically compassionate comment from a conservative


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
Brings a tear to the eye - so touching.

Conservative Web Site Says DIMEBAG 'Contributed To Culture Of Death' That Spawned His Killer - Dec. 14, 2004

William Grim, Contributing Editor of the popular conservative web site The Iconoclast, has penned the following article with regards to the recent murder of DAMAGEPLAN/ex-PANTERA guitarist "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott:

"You've undoubtedly heard by now that a demented fan last week killed heavy metal guitarist Dimebag Abbott at the Alrosa Villa in Columbus, Ohio. While I am extremely happy to hear that the assassin was shot to death by a brave Columbus policeman and I in no way want to engage in a blaming the victim scenario, I cannot deny that there much in Mr. Abbott's demise of one being hoisted on one's petard. The squalor, inhumanity, filth (both in the metaphorical and hygienic senses), depravity, ugliness and ignorance of everything that heavy metal represents (Like rap, I cannot use the noble term music in a description of heavy metal) creates a mindset among its devotees in which Mr. Abbott's assassination was an event that was all but waiting to happen.

"It was highly amusing, and also terribly sad, to watch on television fans conducting a 'vigil' for the slain Mr. Abbott outside of the Alrosa Villa. It was an assemblage of ignorant, semi-human barbarians who were filthy in attire and manner, intellectually incoherent and above all else, hideously ugly to the point of physical deformity. Here is a definite case in which the outer appearance of these 'fans' accurately represented the hideousness of their souls. That the physical deformity of their ugliness was self-inflicted makes the spiritual tragedy of their misspent lives all the more tragic."
Beautiful. I want that guy to write my wedding vows for me one day.
Well, you always knew some idiot would write something like that. Its not even worth pointing out how wrong the guy is because he is obviously a nut.
Despite frightening events like the shooting of DAMAGEPLAN guitarist "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott last week, LINKIN PARK drummer Rob Bourdon told Launch Radio Networks that his band is comfortable with meeting their fans up close. "For the most part, our fans are really respectful," he said. "From the very beginning, we've always been very approachable and we used to sell our own merch and that's how we kind of started to have that contact with the fans. We'd sit there and just talk with them and hang out after every show we played, and we had an open relationship which continued to evolve. And I think because of that, it hasn't caused any fans to wanna do crazy things or feel like they have to really get by a bunch of security or do something crazy to meet us."

Thats about the stupidest thing ive read all year. Apparently if Dimebag had hung out with his fans more, this deranged nut wouldnt have killed him.
Hmm... yeah, a conservative site with a "Funny Photos" section does seem somewhat strange. :) I must admit that I didn't bother going to the website in question until just now. That said, it's often difficult to tell when conservatives are being funny. :)