Dimension Zero

serenesorrow said:
The singer is that Jocke Gothberg guy who sang with In Flames for a brief period, Subterrranean perhaps? Or maybe just an isolated track. And I heard somewhere he sang with Marduk but I'm not sure about that.
This is the singer on Silent Night Fever, have they got a new release?

He was one of the original members in Marduk so you're correct there... I believe that he jumped around pretty much from the first to the last release during his time in the band. First he played the drums, did the vocals and drums for one album but then moved on to just doing the vocals and then went back to the drums. Quite messy...

However, Jocke Göthberg has not been a member of In Flames and has not contributed to anything they've recorded except for the lyrics to "Dead Eternity" from "The Jester Race" album.
Not true, Jocke Gothburg does the vocals on the demo songs Dead Eternity and The Inborn lifeless (later Dead God In Me), both of which are available on the Lunar Strain/Subterranean CD as well as in various other places.
Dimension Zero is great. I haven't listened to them in a while, but they do play well. THe sound id melodic while still thrash, and few bands play anything like it.

Yes, gothburg was only the singer on those two in flames songs' demo versions...and was in marduk. hes not the singer in at the gates...the fact that you mistake Tomas Lindberg for anyone is somewhat dissapointing from a swedish metal fan, for hes possibly one of the most recognizable vocalists in metal history (matter of opinion)...and yes, the loss of solos was certainly unfortunate...perhaps they will attempt them in the upcoming release. the album to me though, doesnt really sound much like in flames (a few scattered melodies maybe), and its much more thrashy and extreme than anything in flames has ever done probably, except maybe some lunar strain/sub material. in any case...they have a new album due out soon, and i hope it will be good, i dont have much doubt that it will be.
For a heavier band than In Flames, Dimension Zero is among the best. I bought their "Silent Night Fever" LP and wasn't dissapointed. I would give them a 8 out of 10. They are not, of course, as good as In Flames. I have not listened to Passenger yet. From what I hear, it is more of a blend of musical styles and can't be compared to either band.

:rock: :rock:
the fact that you mistake Tomas Lindberg for anyone is somewhat dissapointing from a swedish metal fan, for hes possibly one of the most recognizable vocalists in metal history (matter of opinion)...
I haven't listened to At The Gates in a while, But take a listen to Blinded by fear, then Silent Night Fever, both the first tracks on the two albums, they DO sound similiar :p
I've been listening to At The Gates "Slaughter of the Soul" a lot recently. I didn't think of it at the time, but I guess At the Gates and Dim. Zero are somewhat similar. They are both amazing to me. Hmm... I think I may like At the Gates' guitar riffs a little more.