DIMINO-Old Habits Die Hard

Saw this yesterday. Needless to say I am an Angel fan. Think Frank sounds good. Looking forward the the album.

I enjoyed the first 2 Angel albums (s/t and Helluva Band), then I think they became too light for me if I remember well. What did Frank Dimino do since all these years?

For those who would not know Dimino and the band Angel.

For this video, let's say the stage clothes were... weird... It was 40 years ago but still... :muahaha:
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Agree....First two albums were great albums....the third was not bad, but there was definitely a transition of what came to be on the following albums.
Still remember how awed I was when I heard the first album way back...er...well, too far back I suppose.
Really like this new song!!!
Well thanks to this thread I am the proud owner of Angel's first two cd's now so thanks. I listened to them on youtube before deciding and I happened to see a band called "Grannie" while doing so. I missed out on a lot of great bands and this is on of them. If you haven't heard them do yourself a favor and have a listen.
For this video, let's say the stage clothes were... weird... It was 40 years ago but still...

You gotta remember, this band was a Casablanca Records "project"...the same people who gave us Kiss! In fact, I can remember that Angel were marketed as a foil to Kiss...like The Anti Kiss or The Counter Kiss. You know...heaven versus hell...that kind of thing. The costumes were just a part of the whole shtick.

That said, I really liked what Angel brought to the table musically. The first two were like a hybrid of hard rock/heavy metal and Kansas-ish prog rock. Really great music imo. After that, they went in a more commercial hard rock direction. Still good music. Just not the greatness of the first two discs imo.
You gotta remember, this band was a Casablanca Records "project"...the same people who gave us Kiss! In fact, I can remember that Angel were marketed as a foil to Kiss...like The Anti Kiss or The Counter Kiss. You know...heaven versus hell...that kind of thing. The costumes were just a part of the whole shtick.

That said, I really liked what Angel brought to the table musically. The first two were like a hybrid of hard rock/heavy metal and Kansas-ish prog rock. Really great music imo. After that, they went in a more commercial hard rock direction. Still good music. Just not the greatness of the first two discs imo.

I have to disagree. They did change their sound a bit to try and get a hit single. But I think their later stuff is just as good as their early stuff. Punky says it was easier to write the "prog" stuff as opposed to trying to get a three minute song format. Much more challenging.

Eddie Trunk just did a podcast with Punky. Check it out if your an Angel fan.
FYI for those of you who haven't picked it up. Very solid disc. One of my fave records of the year. Love his voice and the way he tells stories with his songs.
FYI for those of you who haven't picked it up. Very solid disc. One of my fave records of the year. Love his voice and the way he tells stories with his songs.

Yes, one of the best hard rock albums of 2015 so far. Dimino is still in very fine voice, singing better than ever, and he must be in his late 50s/early 60s at least...

"...Vegas Rocks! Magazine has confirmed that Scorpions will appear at the Vegas Rocks! Hair Metal Awards on Sunday, May 15th at the Eastside Cannery Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. Scorpions will the Classic Rock Lifetime Achievement Award.

Also being honoured at the awards ceremony is Doro Pesch, who will receive the Metal Goddess Award, and Winger. Scheduled to perform are Twisted Sister and the original member lineup of Angel....Get tickets for the event at this location..."
Bummer.....not going to perform...

ANGEL to Appear At The Vegas Rocks! Hair Metal Awards

"...Legendary Rock Group ANGEL will appear at the 2016 Vegas Rocks! Hair Metal Awards in Las Vegas on May 15. The group will receive the Glam Rock Legends Award in honor of their contributions and influence in music. Accepting the award will be Punky Meadows, Frank DiMino, Gregg Giuffria, Barry Brandt, and Felix Robinson. This will be the first time all band members have been onstage together since 1980. From Frank DiMino: 'It's going to be lots of fun and we're all looking forward to seeing one another! It's been way too long.' Kalish Management confirmed the members are not performing at the event..."
I got the news yesterday. It's at least a first step just getting the band on the same stage. It's been 36 years. Maybe they will get along and decide to do a reunion tour. But doubtful since Greg doesn't need the money. But I still have my fingers crossed.