Dimmu Borgir - Born Treacherous

Man the orchestrations on these new songs is so amateur... There's no real layers working together, everything is just a bunch of different instruments playing the same part, it's awful... Guess this is what happens when Mustis is gone and you have Shagrath trying to write orchestra parts... Brutal :/.

Check this out:

The album will feature an ensemble orchestra, the Kringkastingsorkestret (the Norwegian Radio Orchestra), as well as the Schola Cantorum choir, totaling more than 100 musicians and singers.

Gaute Storaas, composer of the orchestral arrangements, released a statement on his role in working on the album. “Their music is epic, thematic and symphonic already from the creation; they are clearly having an orchestral approach to composing. My role in this is sometimes just to transcribe their themes, sometimes to take their ideas, tear them apart and build them back up in ways that are true to the band's intentions. The music must also be both interesting and playable for the musicians, and hopefully, meet the quality standards of the orchestral world.”
Yeah I thought the orchestrations were as good as their previous works...I highly doubt that Mustis was arranging all the orchestrations, just for the violins there is a lot articulations to know, and if he didn't have any formation in orchestration I think he was composing the base but not ''arranging'' .
Man the orchestrations on these new songs is so amateur... There's no real layers working together, everything is just a bunch of different instruments playing the same part, it's awful... Guess this is what happens when Mustis is gone and you have Shagrath trying to write orchestra parts... Brutal :/

Mix is ridiculous though, easily best sounding Dimmu I've ever heard.

its prob as professional as you could possibly get tbh
Man the orchestrations on these new songs is so amateur... There's no real layers working together, everything is just a bunch of different instruments playing the same part, it's awful... Guess this is what happens when Mustis is gone and you have Shagrath trying to write orchestra parts... Brutal :/

Mix is ridiculous though, easily best sounding Dimmu I've ever heard.

Guess this is what happens when amateurs judge what they dont understand. :tickled: I guess you must feel quite embarrassed now that you know the truth.
The Devil will hunt your dreams from now on. :muahaha:
I've never really gotten into DB before, but this song is amazing. Great tune, incredible mix, and I'm totally digging the orchestral stuff. It might not be the most intricate orchestral work on earth, but it totally fits this song. Definitely picking this one up when it drops.

Guess this is what happens when amateurs judge what they dont understand. :tickled: I guess you must feel quite embarrassed now that you know the truth.
The Devil will hunt your dreams from now on. :muahaha:

Eh I dunno, it just sounded to me like every instrument in the orchestra was always matching each other, not as many different things happening at once as on PEM for example. Maybe I wasn't listening closely enough. Looking forward to checking out the album and being proven wrong though, I've really enjoyed everything they've done.
you should try and pick the bonus disc up with just the orchestra on, really is killer.

Will definitely do that, thanks for the suggestion Andy! My opinion here is based on a couple half assed listens to only 2 tracks, through laptop speakers no doubt, so there's probably a lot going on I didn't catch at first listen, I'm certainly not going to pretend like I know more about orchestration than anyone else here :lol:

Looking forward to this a lot!
just mixed, first session I've done on the aws900 and I'm pretty happy with it. The guys were all about making the best of the orchestra, I think cause they'd had to pay for it lol.
just saw DIMMU in LONDON yesterday,FUCKING AMAZING GIG!!!i didnt miss the other members at all,can't wait to buy the new album cause the 2 new songs fucking rule,great quality
Got my pre-order in the post. Andy...this mix is amazing!
I was just sitting in front of the stereo listening to it during my lunch break...

Listening to "The Demiurge Molecule" the orchestral stuff is amazzzzzzinggggggggggggg!!
Im very skeptical on the drums, i just blasted through the whole album.
Can anyone confirm this is an actual drummer on here and they ain't programmed?

Also i watched an interview with Silenoz and i quote

''Yeah atleast the drums sound realistic thankfully''

There doesn't appear be any human element to the groove on the drums they r so goddamn tight.

Im very skeptical on the drums, i just blasted through the whole album.
Can anyone confirm this is an actual drummer on here and they ain't programmed?

Also i watched an interview with Silenoz and i quote

''Yeah atleast the drums sound realistic thankfully''

There doesn't appear be any human element to the groove on the drums they r so goddamn tight.


I would assume by that quote that hes meaning "At least it dosen't sound totally sample replaced" IE machine-gun.

It does sound uber tight, but perhaps hes a killer drummer....I dunno, this is the first time ive heard of the guy. :hotjump:
How did it feel to mix on the AWS 900 Andy? I've worked with one and found it amazing really. These two songs sound really good, never really been a fan of dimmu, but this got me more interested, gonna purchase the album definitely.