Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia

NAD said:
I still like Enthrone Darkness Triumverate Constipiationarial Diseasational, but never found it the masterpiece that many do.
I've never come across a Dimmu album that I would call a masterpiece, and no, I've not heard Stormblast either. Having said that, there is a ton worse out there. When you run a webzine, and you're getting 10 arbitrary promos per week...oh my goat, there is such crud out there. People who buy their CD's have the luxury of choosing what they want. :lol:
You know, before I started reviewing promos I always thought it would be fun writing hilariously negative reviews that absolutely trash the albums... but when you've done it a couple of times the novelty wears off because you actually have to LISTEN to the fucking things.
Actually, yeah, this has been said 2.3*10^14 times, but if a band does exactly what Kreator did 15 years ago but does it really WELL, then that's great. Similarly, if a band is original and does it well then great. But if a band is both derivative AND just... don't move me at all, then what's the fucking point? Go back to making demos.
i think the "doing it well" part is the catch

although i have to admit that a lot of power metal bands play their style very well, but it still sucks (to me). then you have all these folk/black/thrash/power/doom combinations... i think every combo that can be done HAS been done