Dio bash Ozzy


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
On Ozzy, Dio stated, "He's not what I am, he's not what Ian Gillan is, he's not what Rob Halford is. If being a performer is stumbling around on stage, then I guess he's a performer. His character has become a characterization of himself, so people go to see if he'll fall off the stage, how many times he'll stumble or how many buckets of water he can throw. What has that got to do with music?"

I'm against musicians bashing musicians. And I'm surprised someone like Dio jump on that wagon, but I totally agree with him on this one.

What's your thought?

NP: The Sensational Whitskiteer Band - 'Ride On'
why doesn't he mention tony martin.tony was a good singer.I don't care what anybody says.
dio rules!!!!!
yes tony martin was very good.

and, i dont care for ozzy so i dont mind...plus i think dio has earned the respect and skill to voice those sort of opinions who, somewhat anyway, downplay what hes helped created as an ultimate metal frontman
Is this a recent quote? I seem to remember a certain war between Ozzy and Dio way back in the day. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, Mr. Osbourne actually had a stage prop of a real dwarf (oops, short person) named Ronnie, who he hung or beheaded on stage. That was 22 years ago!

I've got nothing against Ozzy except his selling out and promoting crap bands on his Ozzfest tour. It should be compiled of old school bands, not the record company's latest "darlings". (Thank you very much, Sharon)

Dio's bitch that he only bumbles around on stage, on the brink of teetering off? Eh, what's new about that? Ozzy's been doing that for three decades.

NP: Masterplan - Aeronautics
Well when someone like Dio talks, certain people will listen. But on the other hand, it's so obvious I don't know why anybody bothers saying it. It's like saying Metallica sucks on a metal forum... Well obviously, you're not going to get much more than a bunch of "yep" replies. Of course Ozzy is nothing compared to what he was. Of course Dio still sounds phenomenal and makes decent music. Of course Ian Gillan and Rob Halford are REAL singers. I don't need ot hear that for the 43987th time, only this time from Dio.
All this bashing of Ozzy... Ten years down the road everyone will have nothing but positive words about him, because just look where he's headed. Get him out of the camera and off the stage, let him just live the rest of his life an old crazy man and let's stop poking fun at him for it. But in return, I say he stops singing songs. All songs. His old ones, his new ones, other people's...
sixxswine said:
Why Dio? There's no need to trash Ozzy?!
You Sharon will pelt his ass with anything next time their are in the same town? I thought Dio had class?!

See Sixxi that was my point. I have Dio high on class, paraphrasing Ziv Of course Ozzy is a joke these days. I don't need ot hear that for the 43987th time, only this time from Dio.

Dio still have a great voice, still active, now he will add his talent to QR new album. Why put himself on Sharon's egg crosshair?

Yes Ozzy was very sarcastic about Dio in BS years ago, but it's a little too late for revenge isn't it?

Anyway good posts so far, thanks to everybody.
sixxswine said:
Why Dio? There's no need to trash Ozzy? I thought Dio had class?!
So did I....It's pretty disappointing to read...Do you know if this is accurate??
I tend not to believe everything I read but would like to know the source if possible...
From what I understand, Dio has always had a thing against ozzy. Guess the dude just can't let it go. I'm with everyone else though, artist on artist/musician on musician bashing is just silly. It always comes across as very childish.
Yeah Ozzy used to mock Dio back in the 80's, Dio probably never forgot it and now takes his revenge by telling facts everybody knows :D Not a big deal anyway.

Bashing musicians is not something that I expect from a classy guy like Ronnie, and fortunately he does it very rarely.
T_man357 said:
So did I....It's pretty disappointing to read...Do you know if this is accurate??
I tend not to believe everything I read but would like to know the source if possible...

Agree about the source. I read it first on a Spanish website, then I found it on a Greek website (form where I copy the excerpt). It seems it comes in a Terrorizer magazine interview. He also stated very personal political statements, but it seemed to me irrelevant to a music forum and thus I didn't copy them.
Wyvern said:
He also stated very personal political statements, but it seemed to me irrelevant to a music forum and thus I didn't copy them.
It's a good move...All that usually does is open the door for arguments and anger..

It's too bad that Dio can't put the past behind him..He has a career that's been very good to him and it's just sad that he feels the need to badmouth the "Godfather Of Metal" (IMO) instead of concentrating on all the great music and memories he's made....But when he walked out on Sabbath the 1st time Halford sang for them because he didn't want to open for Ozzy and now reading this makes me realize that this is probably correct.
T_man357 said:
It's a good move...All that usually does is open the door for arguments and anger..

Thats exactly what I wanted to say. Nothing breeds more division than politics. Good choice Wyv! :headbang:
Hawk said:
Thats exactly what I wanted to say. Nothing breeds more division than politics. Good choice Wyv! :headbang:

We are all keepers of the forum. Besides we are here for music for the rest we always have Billy Milano forum or GMD :lol: :oops: sorry
sixxswine said:
I think if Dio is that behind, in a about five years he'll lob a couple of insults at Tony and Geez for Dehumanizer tanking....
What's the deal with "little" people?!:tickled:

No shit, he did that? I know he departed finally BS in cold terms, but hey everybody knows that "Dehumanizer" was put out in the middle of lots of cash. After all Tony Martin was doing fine in the Sab field, was no need to bring back any of the former singers. So the whole affair was about $$$, pretty silly to blame anyone for anything.
Moreover "Dehumanizer" it's a great album and maybe it tank in sells but never in quality or respect of the fans.

Hmm, I thought Dio was more professional on that field, well there goes another myth of mine :p