Dionysus loses their drummer


Epic Metaller
Aug 8, 2006
Frankfurt, Germany
It's true, Ronny Milianowicz, founding member, song writer and drummer has left Dionysus.

Although the band themselves have confidently stated that:

"...we feel that it is our duty to inform you that Dionysus IS NOT DEAD! Recently and sadly, co-founder, songwriter and drummer Ronny Milianowicz suddenly decided to quit the band for other engagements. Even though promising Dionysus whole hearted support for all live activities of 2007, we soon reached the conclusion that there were greater chances of staying on top of things with a new fully devoted drummer. The process of finding a new one has been our first and foremost obligation, and we have come far. An announcement of our new talented band member will follow shortly!
Already, we can promise a lineup steady as stone for all the touring and festivals in 2007! A schedule for Spring 2007 will be posted soon!"
- dionysus.se

Good luck in all you do Ronny, we'll miss ya :headbang: :kickass:
