

Epic Metaller
Aug 8, 2006
Frankfurt, Germany
I couldn't resist my self any longer :p

Maybe this thread has existed before...maybe it's just me and Tonberry who like em...who knows?

Truth is I've loved everything they've come out with. I LOVE bands like that...where it seems that anything they produce is golden...as if they are incapable of NOT producing something epic. e.g. Power Quest, Arthemis, DragonForce, Muse *ahem*, Joe Satriani, Virtuocity, [insert your fave band here], etc

Anyway I'm straying off topic, I've completely gorged on "Anima Mundi" forever and now thanks to a certain legendary member of this forum I have been heavily indulging in "Fairytales and Reality".

I've come to the shocking conclusion that Olaf Hayer has the makings of a total power metal icon...and that he has a very cool name. :headbang:

What do people think?
TemplarOfSteel said:
Holy fuck! These dudes ROCK! I love you guys!

Everyone does :D

Power_Metal_Dom said:
Luca Turilli (solo work)...pardon the ignorance...any good?

His 2nd album, Prophet Of The Last Eclipse, is way better than anything Rhapsody have ever produced. Ever. It's quite similar to Rhapsody, except IN SPACE. Try to imagine that. Its a concept album... by the co-writed of Rhapsody... IN...SPACE!!!!


The concept is also loosely baised around the film "Event Horizon," which is one of my favourite Sci-Fi Horror flicks. Get both.

His first solo album, King Of The Nordic Twiglight, it's as ass-stompingly wonderful, but ity still packs a punch with epic tracks like "Black Dragon."

The third album, "The Infinate Wonders Of Creation" is more...sort of.. proggy-powery (yeah, they're words...) and with the perminant addition of a female vocalist taking the lead in half the albums songs, rather than just backing vocals as with the first two. The jury is still out on this one, and I was seriosuly dissapointed that his 3rd album wasn't POTLE2 which, if a continuation of the second album, would surely become a Metal Legend.
I shall act upon your advise chief. I am locating some cheap Luca Turilli stuff as we speak.

I'm wowed by the IN SPACE bit...but hasn't PQ already been there and got the tshirt?

As memory serves there were spaceships flying all over the Magic Never Dies artwork...and with songs like "Galaxies Unknown" and "Diamond Sky" and to a lesser extent "Find My Heaven"
Luca's got a whole universe going on, with planets, spaceships, space prophecies, more planets, comets and a definate "over use of the words Astral and Cosmos." It's totally over the top; just the way I like it :D
I know this was a Dionysus thread, but have you even seen suck kickass artwork?


I would sell my soul for a poster of this.
Omg i need that album!! The artwork is just fantastic hehe, after hearing Ayreon i'm much more inclined to think of space metal as a good ol bollock rollocking listen rather than something to be laughed at :lol:

back on topic for a moment, Dionysus sounded pretty good, sounded quite like Luca Turilli's stuff :lol: Does Hayer sing on Luca's stuff?
You utter bastard PMD!!! I just went on that guys ebay shop and spent $60 on cds :lol: And there's even more i want from him but i really can't afford it :lol:

Then i realised that i already had Prophet of the Last Eclipse courtesy of Tonberry :oops: but i need it just for the artwork really! And one of his songs that stood out for me, Demonheart, is on that cd!

Also had to get the 2 Masterplan CDs, Mandrake by Edguy and Nightfall in Middle Earth by Blind Guardian!

I've never provoked a metal spending spree before :D Excellent choices btw

Don't worry Tonberry I won't be asking for a copy, besides I think I owe you a CD...keep your eyes on the letterbox m'laddo ;)