Dir en Grey


Dec 3, 2002
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Dir En Grey, some japanese band of crossdressing freaks, has just released a new album. They gave some interviews recently saying they were fans of opeth, but as their last couple albums were generally crapfests with a ton of metalcore influence, I figured it would amount to nothing. But, I just got the cd (it's called uroboros) and I'm actually hearing some opeth influence here and there, and it's actually quite a good cd o_O I still don't know how much I like the guy's vocal style, but this is actually pretty good stuff. Anyone else checked it out?

As for their back catalog, I liked a couple random songs here and there, and thought Kisou was a very good album, but in general they really didn't do it for me.
Wait, you actually like this band? :lol: Good JP metal exists, these guys don't represent it.

I wasn't trying to imply they're at the forefront of japanese metal or anything, these guys seemed to be first a terrible hard rock band more about image than music, then became more of leeches on whatever was popular in american music at the time (nine inch nails, screamo, etc) while once in a while against all odds releasing some good material. The new album is pretty good imo and I found it odd that they seem to have taken some minor opeth influence. There are still plenty of tiresome japanese overwrought vocals but by and large it's a pretty solid cd.

/gets flamed