Dirk Verbeuren


Jan 29, 2006
Nieuw-Buinen, The Netherlands
I seriously don't know what it is. I love the Soilwork stuff, and for that matter anything else he does. When I look, and listen to his stuff you hear he has an outstanding talent on drums. He's simply just amazing. But I can't stand that my mind is telling me this is an amazing drummer, but when I look at it I feel "unimpressed". This is really weird, because like I said, mentally I know this guy has amazing skills, when you look at him play, he plays everything really good, and all. I'm not dissing him, I'm just putting my frustration out there, that I can't seem to watch his videos and just feel the same way I think of him.

Maybe this is because it's getting more and more of a maze with all these drummers and bands around these days. Barely anything really stands out these days, and real talent is being challenged by over produced copy and paste crap.

It's just a small ventilation thread of my own frustration.
Ha I kind of know what you mean, I think he just has a really efficient way of playing that isn't particularly interesting to watch compared to some of the more flamboyant drummers. His work with Sybreed is freakin' crazy, and the videos of him tracking it in the studio show just how solid he actually is.
Have you seen the first Devin´s "Deconstrupdate", man there´s a part where i just can´t believe he´s playing that.
Yeah, I've said this before about Dirk (and Gene Hoglan too, of course), he's so mechanically tight that he might as well be a programmed VSTi, for better or worse. It's not even that he sounds all that "gridded", but little things like his turnarounds from double to single kicks are so inhuman at times, that it sounds machine-like. Of course, my favorite bands are super slick-sounding technical/cyber/industrial-kinda stuff (like Sybreed)... so stay the course, Dirk. :D Be awesome, have fun, make great music, get paid.
His little snare fills are actually pretty damn dynamic id you ask me.
He's the king of creative fills and weird turn arounds too.
He's really giving the new aborted songs a cool twist in that way, dudes a great musician, in a lot of ways.
Have you seen the first Devin´s "Deconstrupdate", man there´s a part where i just can´t believe he´s playing that.

Yeah, especially after seeing that video I came to this conclusion, I was frustrated not being completelly blown away by it while it's one of the sickets parts I've seen yet. I think I know what part you mean, it's near the end. (Cheeseburger I think?!)..

What might be the biggest problem for me is not having seen this guy live yet, probally after that I'm all over.

Like said, when I watch him play on video, I see and hear the greatness and skills he has. I only need the feeling now. Hopefully someday I will be able to see him live.

I don't have a problem with it sound VSTi-ish, when I listend to Panic Broadcast, I hear drums played live, no programmed stuff.

@Seizure. Yeah, he must be a monster on drums. Always seems like and open person in the vids. Where are you recording? Belgium?
I did a tour with both he and Peter Wildoer and I think it's exactly as Hez described above. He is just ultra efficient and has a way of making it look as though he isn't doing much on ultra technical beats (Peter too). But Dirk is definitely an amazing drummer (and a really nice guy).
While I think I understood what the OP meant I can't really relate to it. Actually I (as mainly a guitarist) can watch Dirk Verbeuren vids all day and be hella impressed. It's also fun to watch him because he always looks so happy while playing.

Also remarkable, before I really knew or cared about Dirk there were some albums on which the drumming really stood out to me. Later when I specifically checked out his stuff, I found out that he guested on several of those albums. Namely Yyrkoon's "Occult Medizine" and Sybreed's "Antares".
I actually believe that he's one of those drummers who DOESN'T sound like a machine, just very consistent (and therefore doesn't need to be edited, which is the reason he can still sound human on a recording...)

And a last anecdote... was driving to a festival with a few friends last year, everyone brought CDs, and after about 3 hours of driving we noticed we had listened to nothing but Dirk Verbeuren so far. Soilwork, Scarve, Sybreed, Yyrkoon... ;)
I'm more than happy with Dirk's Library of the Extreme midi packs. I wonder how it feels to have your musical soul commercialized into a product? It's like having digital copies of yourself out there running amok, playing with every metal garage band out there and never questioning "artistic direction" or asking for a per diem!
Dirk is excellent, easily one of my faves.

Thread resurrection cuz' there's no need for million threads about him.

Video of a drum clinic tour Dirk Verbeuren did recently in France (including songs off Soilwork, Scarve, Jeff Loomis, Devin Townsend...) :

I love his playing and watching him play.

@OP : dude it's all right :) If at the time you made this thread, your main frustration in life was not getting into Dirk's playing, then i guess your life was pretty ok :)

EDIT : the drumcam video thread i posted about him some time ago too :

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I totally get what the OP means... Personally it's because he looks so effortless. There's no flamboyance, only pure playing ability... It makes my musical dick hard :|
I've never been really impressed with his drumming, and with all these people throwing his name around everywhere I'm just starting to think he's overrated.

EDIT: I might possibly be biased though because I can't stand Soilwork.