Dirty Americans Strange Generation
Liquor and Poker Music 6008-2 March 22nd, 2005
By Jason Jordan
Im thinking the moniker Slickly-Produced Americans wouldve fit better than Dirty Americans, cause the bands sound isnt as dirty and/or gritty as is may let on. At any rate, Strange Generation is a retro-rock excursion that is in league with Spiritual Beggars, Siena Root, among others. Unfortunately, the Detroit-based group is essentially mild and uninteresting.
If I give the band credit for one thing, its catchiness. Opuses such as No Rest, Car Crash, and Strange Generation (the three openers) are catchy as hell, and theyll probably have you tapping your foot by each songs respective end. Time in Space is slightly mellower than its brothers, while Deep End utilizes acoustic guitar. There are immense grooves in places I give the band that and the subtle touches in Light-Headed and Chico are good. The latter, interestingly enough, commences with full-on drumming. We Were Young walks the line that Time in Space forged earlier. By the time the thirteenth track came to a halt, I was totally indifferent towards Strange Generation. Their material at this point just wasnt compelling enough to pique my interest.
No doubt, Dirty Americans are quickly rising to fame and fortune within countries like France, Iraq, and others. But, Strange Generation isnt going to win many people over on this side of the pond. Lamentably, the days when bands rode motorcycles around in fields, while sporting bandanas and using the phrase American, ended back in the 1970s. If you must have your retro-rock, however, then I suggest looking elsewhere.
Official Dirty Americans website
Official Liquor and Poker Music website
Liquor and Poker Music 6008-2 March 22nd, 2005
By Jason Jordan

Im thinking the moniker Slickly-Produced Americans wouldve fit better than Dirty Americans, cause the bands sound isnt as dirty and/or gritty as is may let on. At any rate, Strange Generation is a retro-rock excursion that is in league with Spiritual Beggars, Siena Root, among others. Unfortunately, the Detroit-based group is essentially mild and uninteresting.
If I give the band credit for one thing, its catchiness. Opuses such as No Rest, Car Crash, and Strange Generation (the three openers) are catchy as hell, and theyll probably have you tapping your foot by each songs respective end. Time in Space is slightly mellower than its brothers, while Deep End utilizes acoustic guitar. There are immense grooves in places I give the band that and the subtle touches in Light-Headed and Chico are good. The latter, interestingly enough, commences with full-on drumming. We Were Young walks the line that Time in Space forged earlier. By the time the thirteenth track came to a halt, I was totally indifferent towards Strange Generation. Their material at this point just wasnt compelling enough to pique my interest.
No doubt, Dirty Americans are quickly rising to fame and fortune within countries like France, Iraq, and others. But, Strange Generation isnt going to win many people over on this side of the pond. Lamentably, the days when bands rode motorcycles around in fields, while sporting bandanas and using the phrase American, ended back in the 1970s. If you must have your retro-rock, however, then I suggest looking elsewhere.
Official Dirty Americans website
Official Liquor and Poker Music website