Disabled AC/DC fan impaled at Brisbane concert


May 28, 2004
Yikes. This is pretty horrific:

Disabled AC/DC fan impaled at Brisbane concert

A QUADRIPLEGIC AC/DC fan suffered serious facial injuries when a mate accidentally hit the joystick of his motorised wheelchair and catapulted him into the mosh pit during a concert at the Queensland Sport and Athletic Centre on Saturday night.

Witnesses said a metal pin used by the 31-year-old Morningside man to manoeuvre objects became a spear and imbedded in his eye as his chair crashed more than a metre to the centre's floor.

QSAC faces criticism for not placing a proper barrier in front of the special wheelchair podium that would have prevented the accident.

Photos obtained by The Courier-Mail show while the podium had side and rear barriers, the only front barrier was a strip of floor timber and plastic caution tape.

The incident happened about 10pm as more than 45,000 fans danced to the legendary Aussie rockers during the second of their two sold-out Brisbane shows.

The man's friend moved his left hand when it struck the joystick and the wheelchair shot forward and fell end over end.

"He was shattered, just devastated by what happened," a person said of the distraught mate.

Paramedics immediately attended the quadriplegic, a former truck driver who became paralysed after an accident.

A Princess Alexandra Hospital official said the man was out of intensive care yesterday but was still in a serious, but stable condition. He had no information on whether the man had lost an eye.

Omigosh, how awful! For both of them..imagine being the one who hit the joystick & basically thereby responsible for your friend having his eye gouged by some stick..*shudder*.
Horrible but how does
Witnesses said a metal pin used by the 31-year-old Morningside man to manoeuvre objects became a spear and imbedded in his eye as his chair crashed more than a metre to the centre's floor.
not as stupid as moshing to The Odyssey by Symphony X! :mad:

Or body surfing at an Angra concert
. Idiots are everywhere...
Moshing - the one thing about modern metal audiences I've NEVER understood. And at an AC/DC concert?? A band that rocks hard, yes, but isn't even metal?? A true tragedy.
It was not prominant. Its clear to me that those in "the mosh pit" have quite an alternative purpose for being at a concert as opposed to those there to SEE AND HEAR THE BAND. I have my speculations but for most of us Im sure we dont need to air what we think that purpose is or potential outcome for the disillusioned mosher that thinks we have any humor in throwing down our money TO SEE AND HEAR THE FUCKING BAND and become subject to such games.

That is all