disconnecting speakers


Authorized XSr™ Dealer
Feb 2, 2006
Doogie Howser, MD
I have a couple solid state 2x12 combos that I hope to try with a new 2x12 cabinet arriving (UPS gods willing) tomorrow. Connecting them shouldn't be an issue, as the amps both have connections for multiple external speakers.

What I'm wondering is if I can safely disconnect the combos' internal speakers so I can hear how the amps sound through just the new cab. Neither has a switch for disengaging the internal speakers, so I would have to remove the wires from the speaker contacts.

S'okay for SS, I reckon, but for the benefit of other/future readers of this thread, what if the combo is all-tube? Is the power section counting on the internal speakers' ohm load to be present at all times? When choosing what ohm setting to switch the external speaker jack to, would it be necessary to factor in how many ohms the internal speakers would have been?
Beats me, man. Never tried it before. I've been reading up on different speaker combinations and some guys run a 1x12 combo with a 2x12 cab to get a blend of three different speakers, so apparently some internals stay live.
Yeah i was gonna say that some do stay live, err I wouldn't worry about disconnecting the speakers since it's SS, but not a good idea with tubes as you can fry the output transformer. That said, I'm not 100%, so check the manual, and see what it says about the external speaker jack, and if you're still not sure, then contact the manufacturer.
Sometimes the extension disables, sometimes not - if you tell which amp it is then it can be found, but until then we're just as much in the dark. Check the manual and website, they'll probably tell you - if not, you can get some wire cutters (or soldering iron, if you want things done the *nice* way) and wire up a DPDT to switch them in and out.
