Distress! Doom Death!!!!!!!!

I really enjoyed listening to the three mp3s that are available on the site, especially the two tunes from the new album. A mix of clean and grim vocals as well as acoustic guitars here and there are always welcome.

About the website: I guess I don't have to say that this lycos banner on the right side is a little annoying........apart from that: if you aim to reach people outside France you should really think about an English version of your website or at least some basic info in English. You won't believe how rusty that little French is I learnt in school over a decade ago....and there are a lot of people out there who never learnt any French at all.
Thanx for them!!! :Spin:
About the website, the webmaster will do his best to sort everything out...
and indeed, an english version will be available very soon....
The thing is, the website is brand new and it takes time if we want to make things perfect :) :)
It's always very constructive to receive opinions from people...
Thanx again...