

Feb 11, 2007
Frisco, CA
I'm looking into purchasing a compressor mainly for vocals (great river pre and at3035), and possibly reamping bass guitars and guitars through a compressor to add a lil more warmth since I am doing everything in the box. My guitars are 5150 w/ impulses and sometimes just wagner/line 6. Would a distressor be something I should be looking at for this purpose?
well the appeal of the distressor is that it adds grime as well as compression, not exactly a go-to for vox, but hey, maybe you'd like it. Very colorful. OTOH, I've heard the thing do 1176 very well, but I think if I was primarily going to use it for vox I'd just get a real 1176
Listen to some of James Murphy's recordings. I believe he's used a distressor on vocals on some recent tracks. He achieves excellent vocal recordings/performances with whom ever he works with. Good in your face vocal sounds.
I bought the Safe Sound Audio P1 for vox, GREAT compressor and Preamp.....and it's not very expensive.

It's also a great DI and Comp for Bass, definitely my goto Pre and Comp for Vox and Bass