Divina Enema

Yes, I know i've pushed this band before, but i'm going to keep doing so. After listening to MAYH excusively for a sufficient amount of time, I've dedicated myself to Divina Enema's "At the Conclave". All I can say is, go to theendrecords.com, and buy the CD for $7 and no shipping. I love the atmosphere of this album, and I love the older English of the lyrics, the story is out there, and complex, but I love it. I find myself listening to this album while reading the lyrics several times a day lately. I doubt i'll be able to get back here in time before this thread is on the fourth page, damn internet is fuxx0r3d, but just do me a favor and buy the CD. I believe Godisanatheist likes them (his avatar is the CD cover), and Morningrise got me into them, so he can tell you more, just buy the damn thing for seven bucks, now, bye.
I got Oyo into these guys and we have mentioned them a lot on this board, but not many listen! :p :D Amazing band, coming out with a new album soon...
To Lee_B:
They get distribution by the end records here in America, but are not on an American label. They have performed live which comes as a major shock to me considering the complxity of their music, hopefully they will get noticed and actually get some money.
I happen to like them more than more recent Arcturus. I think Aspera Heims Symfonia is definately one of the best albums ever though.
Oyo, I read that you were distressed that this thread didn't get more replies, so I came to check it out. I am currently listening to one of the Divina Enema songs on mp3.com. Too soon to have an opinion yet though.