divine heresy (in glasgow)

Jun 6, 2007
went to see divine heresy in glasgow on sunday there and they kicked ass everything was spot on. A didnt think the drummer could pull it off (being a drummer myself) but he was shit hot. rite down to what a was going to say lol dino was using a pod xt pro into a mac book pro and what a sound :headbang: first time a had seen that live anno yous have prob all seen it before lol :kickass::kickass::kickass:
Saw them the Friday just gone, Dino was having trouble with his footswitch, and started Closure off with gobs of distortion, aswell as other stuff. It really did sound as big as Dino himself, though, I was dead impressed, especially when I noticed the pod in his rack. He was using a Peavey XXX cab, too, aswell as his Xiphos and 8-string guitars, but I didn't catch anything else in his rack
went to see divine heresy in glasgow on sunday there and they kicked ass everything was spot on. A didnt think the drummer could pull it off (being a drummer myself) but he was shit hot. rite down to what a was going to say lol dino was using a pod xt pro into a mac book pro and what a sound :headbang: first time a had seen that live anno yous have prob all seen it before lol :kickass::kickass::kickass:

So do you mean he sucked or he was good. Im confused. you say you didnt think he could pull it off, then you say he was good then you say he was what you were going to say. Im guessing he was amazing.

pot xt into a mac ? Bleh god that had to sound like azz . line6 is god aweful gear.
pot xt into a mac ? Bleh god that had to sound like azz . line6 is god aweful gear.

On tape, maybe. Maybe!! Though I thought guitar on Megadeth's latest sounded pretty good. Not to mention Meshuggah using it live and getting crushing results. See also In Flames clean channel.

I seen DH twice and both times Dino was playing Line 6, and both times the guitar tone was really good, especially at slim's in SF.

I think saying Line 6 is god awful is a bit harsh.
So do you mean he sucked or he was good. Im confused. you say you didnt think he could pull it off, then you say he was good then you say he was what you were going to say. Im guessing he was amazing

lol he was out of this world just like the cd :headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang:
pot xt into a mac ? Bleh god that had to sound like azz . line6 is god aweful gear.

naw man the sound was so good one of the best sounds a have heard live so power full and in your face and changing between distortion and clean was seemless :kickass::worship:
Still wondering what the mac was doing.. are they playing to a daw backing track which is auto changing the patches via midi? would be pretty amazing to be pulling that shit off to a click..

impulse cab sim?
Line 6 is amazing, maybe you suck at using it
nah, but your opinion doesnt matter to me. I own a Engl Powerball and Savage 120 so I have no use for fisherprice gear. But each to their own. I dont remember saying you sucked , i just dont like their gear. Nice to see you like to insult people cause they dont share a same opinion as you. brilliant.
You have this annoying tendency to dismiss perfectly valid products as shit and it doesn't put you across well. It does seem like you don't know how to use it, given this dismissal of people who tend to get very good tones out of those things - and pulling the 'I haz ENGLS! Win for the me!' card isn't helping each other. You're the one coming across as the obnoxious twat here, for the record.

+1, spending a lot of money doesn't make you a tone guru, and while I won't say that Line 6 can match your amps, it can come fantastically close for its price and CONVENIENCE HOLY GOD - just ask Kazrog, who I believe went from a 6505+ with rack FX and MIDI to an HD147
Oh, and by the way we do remember you asking a short while back about how to get rid of fizz in those same Engls. Sounds like you didn't even get far enough forward on setting up YOUR OWN GEAR, it's not like you can play experience too well here.

Short-term memory for the win. Those posts won't get you anywhere.

Oh, and by the way we do remember you asking a short while back about how to get rid of fizz in those same Engls. Sounds like you didn't even get far enough forward on setting up YOUR OWN GEAR, it's not like you can play experience too well here.

Short-term memory for the win. Those posts won't get you anywhere.

nah the problem wasn't my amps, it was my interface for recording them. I'm glad you guys love your line6 products. Just cause you guys think they are so great doesn't make my opinion any less valid. So a few of you like and think they are great. Thats great. I don't like them. That doesn't mean I don't know how to use them. That is an smart as saying you don't like a certain preamp or a certain daw. That doesn't mean you don't know how to use them.It is just your opinion on certain gear. I don't like hd147, spider or any of the pods. Get over it. its my opinion. You like them, that is fine. My post here was that I was amazed Dino would use a pod through a notebook direct into the p.a. So what. Just cause you think it is great doesn't make it the greatest idea. We have different opinions. Your opinion doesn't mean that we all have to think like you. Don't be so full of yourself. I admit I don't know everything, none of us do. Thats why I joined here to learn stuff. But i don't ridicule others for having a different opinion. Line6 are amp simulation, not the real thing. They have a ways to go before they replace tubes. So some guy on here sold his amp to go digital, does that mean we all get rid of our amps and they stop selling real amps and we all get pods? I'm not trying to argue with you just defending your attacks on me for having an opinion. The digital amps just sound really buzzy to me. The only recordings Ive ever heard that I liked line6 was the flextone that James did for Dirge but it was 6505+ also. The efx are decent but I think plugins sound better. I just cant stand the digital buzzy gain they make. Ive heard a couple of decent recordings of a pod but they still weren't to my liking. And yes I'm not experienced as some of you recording but there is nothing you can to get the lifeless sound out of line6 gain. That is my opinion. yours may vary but it doesn't mean it is fair game to ridicule me for having a different opinion. for the record. I don't think I'm a tone guru guys. Nor do I think my amps are end all be all. I just not a fan of line6 gain. Thats where my dislike comes from. Their efx pedals are decent tho.
There's a difference between 'you don't like it' and 'it's shit', and I can say right now that you'll do well to not mix the two up. I don't like tubes, but I don't go around saying everyone's 5150s, Rectos, and Marshalls are shit, and most people will offer the same courtesy. That's what I have a problem with - a lot of ENGL clips I hear don't give a very good impression, but I don't say they're 'god aweful', do I? Between your responses of 'I have fancy gear' and the 'fisherprice gear' instead of 'I know how to use them and still dislike their sound' and previous remarks like 'Linshit' (up all night on that one, were we?) you don't have much going in your favor.

I know you don't like it. That's perfectly fucking clear. Don't try to make this into an 'I'm defending my taste' discussion because we both know bloody well that it isn't, and don't insult my intelligence by restating the obvious and trying to hide asinine 'your gear sucks' comments behind it. This isn't about your taste, or about my opinion, it's about your complete disregard for common courtesy and failure to offer us the same respect you seem to think you have a god-given right to, so quit pretending it's about 'you suck, you should sound like me because Satan sucks my peepee in the tour bus' and cut the constant and useless attacks against an entire category of merchandise if you want to be taken even remotely seriously.

And, for fuck's sake, paragraphs. Different ideas can go on different lines.

For the record, it wasn't direct into the P.A, as I said, he was using a Peavey Triple XXX cab, and it was definitely mic'd up. I didn't see the Macbook myself, but I guess it's plausable...

And ease off on Bloodroot some, guys, please. He has his own way of getting stuff across that can seem harsh and abrupt, but everyone has an opinion, and they express is it their own way. His just isn't very subtle :lol:

My personal experience with Line 6 stuff isn't so bad. I definitely prefer tubes, as I'm sure the majority of you guys do too, but when it comes to what the modelling stuff does, it's starting to get much better. I've only been using tubes for the last year and a half, and before that was using floorpedals to get high-gain tone. My Toneworks AX1500G always sounded much better than the Randall an old bandmate had (we fell out cos 'him + guitar = garbage'). Look at Roland cubes, for instence, they sound really good, and much better than Line 6, IMHO, and work on the same principles.

The way I look at it is that modelling stuff can be AMAZING for clean work, much better than I've ever coaxed out of a 'real' amp, but the distortion and general high-gain stuff isn't quite up to scratch yet, but that's gonna change very soon, I'm sure.
Hey, Jeff - my Engl stuff usually sounds great when I record it! :)))))

... I still play a POD XT direct into the P.A. live ... simply because it is more convenient ...

And I still sound better than 80% of all metal guitarists on their tube amp ... simply because I rule!

Muahahahaha ... *runs off screaming into the night*
For the record, it wasn't direct into the P.A, as I said, he was using a Peavey Triple XXX cab, and it was definitely mic'd up

there defo wasnt a mic'd cab and the strange thing is the view on the mac was, see when your in pro-tools and your recording and make the track jumbo and when you play the waveform comes up as you play thats what was happening. But it looked a diff program than pro-tools sorry if this confuses anyone :loco:
impulse cab sim?

I don't think it's possible fully realtime yet. There is still a small delay (perhaps around 20 ms) even with the top spec computers which makes it highly annoying if not impossible to do it. Unless you use a lighter (less accurate) impulse software compared to SIR and Co.