DIY Room Treatment


Aug 23, 2008
Lafayette, LA
Well it looks like I've reached a point that I really need some room treatment. Right now I'm working in a finished basement and relatively low on cash, as are most college students and audio nuts, so I'd like to turn this into a DIY project. What I'd like to do is build some bass traps and other room treatment as well as perhaps an isolation box for guitar cabs (right now the cab simply sits in a closet on the other side of the basement and I'm running a snake to it).

I was wondering if any of you guys knew of any sites with plans for DIY bass traps, iso boxes and things of that nature. If I can get some decent plans together I'd like to document putting all this stuff together and sharing with you guys. Thanks a ton.
Meh, I'm finding I'm not really a fan of the 1x12 sound, and an iso box would only make it worse methinks - it's just so confined and small, I find the tone can be present and full but also very static as far as like chuggs on palm mutes and stuff; check out my clips in this thread where I mic'ed up my 2x12 (but really, it's more like two 1x12's, cuz each speaker has it's own chamber, though I'll be remedying that soon!)

In other words, I personally would rather use an amp into a good 4x12 impulse (via FX send or line out) than mic a 1x12, especially in an iso box!