DIY Semi-Portable Rack


boom tap boom-boom tap
Jul 2, 2008
Hey guys, I just wanted to share this with anyone who is interested in DIY equipment.

I got this idea from a blog I read about converting the IKEA "Rast" into an equipment rack. My rack holds 7 spaces, but if you place the wood lower you can make it 8 probably. The prices went as this:

Ikea Rast: 15$ at local IKEA
Rack rails: 12$ at
5/8 Screws + 10/32 Bolts + Cabinet Handle + Finish/Stain: 15$ at Ikea
Total: 42$ or so.

Here's how it went.

First I had to move the bottom shelf lower, since it's set up to be a bit too high for it to be useful/convenient.

Product is then assembled, it takes 2 minutes to do.


I stain it and finish it, this part is completely optional though.


I add in the rails, and the top handle to make it easier to carry.


Finished rack with my gear in it.


If I were to change anything, I would have probably put two handles on the sides, and maybe put the rack rails in a little bit deeper. I'm also planning to put a thin piece on wood on the back(like in guitar combos) to prevent wires from flailing about when I carry it. Other than that, I think it's a good looking convenient way to carry my gear around! Should make things much easier, considering I do location recordings. Cheers :kickass:
Nice !
If I was gonna do that I'd inset the rails by 1/2 " so that the knobs wouldn't get bashed off when moving it around.
That's so cool man.

Just a thought: If you ever decide to build one again you could inset the rails like full tilt said and add a door with some hinges and a lock also. Maybe $20 bucks more but it would make a difference for some people.
Exactly. I should have pushed the rack in further for the knobs, but the door isn't a problem for me. :zzz:

Thanks for the feedback guys!
Here's my Ikea rack... No modifications required, just buy it, build it, fill it.


Too narrow for rails though, everything just sits in there, so yours is definitely a bit more solid!

I really like the the length of yours! The only problem is that I do location recordings, and the lack of rails disturbs me. What IKEA model is that?
I really like the the length of yours! The only problem is that I do location recordings, and the lack of rails disturbs me. What IKEA model is that?

It's the EINA nightstand! Yeah, definitely no good for location stuff! Good for me though just to organize my rack gear and keep it out of the way under the desk. I could probably screw the pieces into the nightstand itself but then I couldn't really remove them because you can't reuse a screw hole in a piece of particle board very many times :/
Hey guys, I just wanted to share this with anyone who is interested in DIY equipment.

I got this idea from a blog I read about converting the IKEA "Rast" into an equipment rack. My rack holds 7 spaces, but if you place the wood lower you can make it 8 probably. The prices went as this:

Ikea Rast: 15$ at local IKEA
Rack rails: 12$ at
5/8 Screws + 10/32 Bolts + Cabinet Handle + Finish/Stain: 15$ at Ikea
Total: 42$ or so.

Here's how it went.

First I had to move the bottom shelf lower, since it's set up to be a bit too high for it to be useful/convenient.

Product is then assembled, it takes 2 minutes to do.


I stain it and finish it, this part is completely optional though.


I add in the rails, and the top handle to make it easier to carry.


Finished rack with my gear in it.


If I were to change anything, I would have probably put two handles on the sides, and maybe put the rack rails in a little bit deeper. I'm also planning to put a thin piece on wood on the back(like in guitar combos) to prevent wires from flailing about when I carry it. Other than that, I think it's a good looking convenient way to carry my gear around! Should make things much easier, considering I do location recordings. Cheers :kickass:

I went to Ikea after reading this thread and bought one for £7.99 ,its perfect for both my TLA 5051's . and I have space for a mesa preamp or something when I find one . It seems spooky how they fit like it was made for rack gear .
It went together in less than 5 mins as well .
i made something similar but i used medium density fiberboard
instead of IKEA wood.

the rack rails are not here yet,
i hope the'll arrive on monday so i can finish this thing.

i'll need to piant the inner side black also, it would just look better IMHO,
even if nobody will be able to nitice it when the rack is filled completely:lol:
