Djent feeling Deathcore


Jul 25, 2011
not complete yet
still adding vocals and tweaking guitars more
im really looking for opinions on my leveling and the bass guitar
i feel like the bass guitar is kinda quiet and the drums are far to loud but im not too sure
im also iffy on the bass tone not that you will be able to hear it well
i like the mix so far but i would like opinions!
this is a collab with a drummer from another city and we are just having fun! :headbang: Djent october 20 2011.mp3
bass could be brought up, i think the drums are fine level wise. I would get some new cymbal samples haha. And the guitar tone sounds pretty scooped in the mid range which i dont really like so much, but some guys do now a days. Other than that its a pretty solid mix :headbang: