Djent Hardcore 2nd mix ever

Guitars could use more high end. cut some bass from guitars and bass too. maybe ease up on the master bus comp. but it might be okay with less bass.
i think the guitars sound fine but yea the bass needs to tighten up a little. this is a kickass mix and i dig the song as well. good shit man.
The bass was way overpowering (referenced in my car(I had to turn the bass almost all the way down))!! Soloing the guitar I was getting some extra fizzyness soooo I cut around the 500 and boosted the mids a WEEEE bit! I realized also that the kicks were too low also! The drums are just temp until I get some kick ass samples and start using Drumagog! I'm bouncing the newest mix now and lemme know whatchu fellas think :D (I THREW IN A HILARIOUS SURPRISE)
dude just boost the mids a lot more and cut some low end out of the guitars and it'd be good to go besides whatever u want to do with the drums.
Dude I tried to boost the mids and it turned into a buncha noise and I did cut out low end of the guitars. Are you sure you're not mistaking that for my bass? I run two bass's. One Clean DI just doing my low end then another running through a hi-gain amp.
The bass is mono bro! I took the same performance and ran it into two channels and eq them and yes that's what I was going for. It's br00tz
Maybe some more mid gain on the amp would help get the guitars sounding less scooped. Your bass guitar sounds mono and really distorted, if that's what I think I'm hearing between the two guitar tracks.

Mids are completely up in my head in POD Farm
hey dude i think the mix from post 7 was pretty solid, seems like the guitars have gotten fizzier since then. Also, now when i listen theres not really enough bass. Get it back in the vicinity of post 7 and then just fine tune it so the bass isn't rumbling super hard but yea i think the last couple mixes you're goin the wrong direction.