Djent/progressive Mix

I really dig this track. Guitar tone is spot on. My only suggestion would be to take some of the "harshness" out of the cymbals. Like the 15k region. They sound good but it's almost lost because of the "hiss". Everything else meshes really well together. I'd love to hear more.
Thanks dudes!

@Robert Landrum: I will mess around with the 15k region and see how that works out. I appreciate the response! I've had writer's block for the last couple months and finally kicked it with this song yesterday. Hopefully I can get some more tracks written and recorded soon enough.

@metalmonster34: Thanks man. I used NI Battery 3 with my own sample collection for the drums and I used an Axe-Fx Standard with the FAS Modern amp model for the guitars.
@Robert Landrum: When you're making a thread, there's a little Soundcloud icon you can click which types in some html and you just have to post the direct link to your track in between.

@metalmonster34: Yeah, it is an incredible tool, well worth the money... and thanks, man! It's versatile, too. I've used this same preset on progressive rock songs.