Djent-lemans Club Featured Mix

Well the main problems I hear in this mix is
the drums are programmed and there is no bass

But I guess the guitar is djenty. I guess it could have more presence and it could also be tighter. Maybe a tight noise gate in front?
any tips on how to get more presence out of it? my presence on pod farm is set to full... EQ advice perhaps?
also programmed drums do sound a lot softer and slightly more natural when there is bass over it so i will get to recording bass soon. (i dont have a bass guitar so need to use a friends)

im also going to make it tighter by chopping up the guitar parts so everything is nice and neat
I think it needs more low end on guitars. Cut sum 800, 3000, 5000 hz. Boost a lil 1500 hz. Low Pass, High Pass 150 - 10.000.

Can you send the guitar DI tracks?
I wanna try sum
thanks man will give it a try.. i dont have the di's sorry i recorded it the stupid way where you cant edit the tone afterwards because im an absolute amateur and dont have a clue what im doing haha
for any1 whos interested here is a guitar playthrough i did [ame][/ame]
is it worth looking at the pod farm bass expansion pack?

You can get good bass tones without it. Personally, I like to blend a DI, a sansamp pedal track (which I believe comes with the metal shop or whatever it's called), and a ts808/5150 grindy track, and I'll make use of a couple plugins such as CLA and maxx bass. That's just my approach to a grindy bass tone, there are other ways to get there. What's really important is to get a good tone out of your bass guitar before you ever record it.