
Lots of improvement between the two clips, dude... Sounding way better. Main thing that I notice is that the drums are so clearly MIDI. Every hit sounds like its at 127 and therefore it really detracts from the more atmospheric guitars. Might wanna tweak in a little more "human" into the parts... Just my opinion.
Huge improvement from the first recording, great job!
Are you using superior drummer by chance? Like TwoGOneSee mentioned, the drums are noticeably programmed, sounds like the Avatar kit. Main thing i'd work on is getting the drums to sound a bit more natural, and maybe making a precise cut or two in the high end of the guitars to tame the fuzziness just a bit. The tone over sounds thick as hell though, nice job! what are you using for that?
Haha yes I am, and it is the Avatar kit, although I have a sample on the kick. I will work on humanizing the drums, they are literally all 127 :P The guitar DIs are rubbish because I've been using the line input of my interface as the instrument one clips on the lowest gain. Here is my signal chain: I used a sevenstring in drop A, it's a basswood RG7321 with a D-Activator bridge pickup. If you use the same settings and your DIs are decent yours will likely sound better than mine, although I do have quite a lot of stuff on the master bus. Compressor, Saturation, Exciter, Stereo Enhancer, Maximiser, and Limiter.