DMs Deaths Design on a TV show?

Jun 14, 2003
I rarely watch TV, but tonight I was caught by the show Fear Factor on NBC. Not by the ridiculous stunts that they pull on that show, but by the danger music they were playing. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I heard a familiar sound. I sat down and in about 5 seconds I knew exactly what it was. They were playing excerpts from Anders' Diabolical Masquerade album "Deaths Design". Of course it was in the background, and they only played the instrumental build-up parts. Some of the stuff was edited, played with a different drum beat, but it was unmistakably Blakkheim's material. Has anyone else noticed this particular incident? It appeared to be the million dollar two hour premiere episode, a pretty big timeslot. The credits, which blazed by at the end, made no mention of Blakkheim himself, Diabolical Masquerade, or the labels Olympic and Phantom. Anders, do you know about this?
Said it before but I heard on Fashion TV a few years ago during one of their shows the music of Diabolical Masquerade, edited out the growls and played it for a catwalk sequence, that ruled :p
Was it very distinct? You said unmistakably, but some DD is kind of generic "movie soundtrack" material and very similar things could be composed completely coincidentally.
Hondo said:
Was it very distinct? You said unmistakably, but some DD is kind of generic "movie soundtrack" material and very similar things could be composed completely coincidentally.

It was quite distinct. Parts of it were played at quite a high volume to enhance the effect, so that kind've cued me to pay attention to the music a bit more. Like I said, some of it had a different drum beat, but most of it was verbatim Deaths Design.