Do these Internet Money-Making programs work?? or scams?


New Metal Member
Mar 5, 2002
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Does anyone have a clue?? I mean, I know there are some that have the reputation for working... one of my friends received a check for 87$ from alladvantage once... I know that nitro-clicks one works.. I got my first check from them.... How this thing works is amazing... It’s different than others in its concept…. 500$ check after 3 months :D
By the way, i'm gonna shamelessly promote myself...

That's how I got my Xbox for free :p

keep the adress intact, since i'm referring those who wanna give it a shot....

Then there's all those other banner-like programs, that just stick a banner on your browser while you're on the net...

Has anyone tried any of these?? I'm asking, cozz i'm a little short on cash these days, and with college and know how it goes... Anyone?
Yeah, I use Spedia as far as a banner displaying, paid-to-surf program. I just reached the minimum for cash-out so I haven't quite received a check yet.

I use Netflip and SearchCactus to search online and get paid-per-search. I have been paid several times by each company.

I used to display the AllAdvantage banner in my browser and got paid by them once, but they dropped their hourly rate so low it's not even worth it.

I recommend Netflip and SearchCactus for searching and Spedia for banner. With Spedia, you can also play games and make money while displaying the banner.

I am always online and have no job so it's nice to get the occasional $25 check. If anyone plans to sign up for these programs I'd really appreciate them signing up under my name, but I won't display the link here. If you are truly interested and plan to use these programs, please contact me. ;)