do you guys have like, 'secret santa' stuff at work?

ooh good idea about the pets argument. i DO have that foster puppy at home that needs attention, providing she doesn't get adopted this weekend. Of course, I can always foster another one....hmmm....
"Guy Fawkes Day, November 5, is still celebrated in England with fireworks and bonfires, on which effigies of the conspirator are burned."

I didn't even know this existed, and on my birthday too. Awesome. Next year I'm burning some effigies.
Watermelon = kwanzaa food.

Actually the most overtly stereotypical meal I've ever heard of is the African American celebration meal held in the dining hall here sometime during February. Not only is the University of Richmond barely 5% black, making the need for such a meal questionable, but they serve.....(dramatic pause)...... Fried chicken, cornbread, and collard greens. Does it get any better than this?
We were actually talking about that just today, whether they'd replace all other beverage choices, but I'd have to add orange soda into the mix as well.
Originally posted by The Dope
Watermelon = kwanzaa food.

Actually the most overtly stereotypical meal I've ever heard of is the African American celebration meal held in the dining hall here sometime during February. Not only is the University of Richmond barely 5% black, making the need for such a meal questionable, but they serve.....(dramatic pause)...... Fried chicken, cornbread, and collard greens. Does it get any better than this?

reason # 1,032,545,345 that people in other countries laugh at us.