Do you read webzines?


Damage Driven Creep
Aug 6, 2001
So, we all know most of us here spend a lot time on the net... :)

do you read webzines (I'm mainly now talking about music-related stuff) and if you do, how have they affected you? have you discovered bands via them and so on...

I just thought about this since we got mail from a guy in a webzine here:
offering to do a rewiev/interview/advertisement on us if we sent our cd to him. The zine looks ok but I found "Our mision is to suport the
underground and true metal hearts!" pretty scary... ;)

I hope I didn't reveal any confidential information or insult the author if he's here. I didn't mean to do that! :)

So, how is it?
actually i read webzines mainly for news.
it's very unlikely that i discover a new band through a webzine. i prefer forums to get ideas for new bands to listen. :)

Downfall said:
The zine looks ok but I found "Our mision is to suport the underground and true metal hearts!" pretty scary

I would stop reading before that "and" conjunction. I mean, you, the Farmakon guys, should bear in mind you're interested on spread the word regardless what the mental conditions the readers of such tr00 metal zines might involve. If you don't end up being persecuted by hordes of black metal phanatics, I suggest you to take some benefit from that offer. :)

As my italian clone said above, I don't use to check out webzines either, mainly because of those hidden purposes a review might include (support concrete bands because of direct interest related to certain labels, support the underground just because your band played into the subground during the last 20 years and you wanna get your ass out of there, or even to save a hunchbacked boy who lives in a town near Sao Paulo). So, there are better ways to know about the band, this board is one of them. In any case, it is just an opinion, and I am sure there are people who read those reviews, so my advice here is: give it a try.

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i would have stopped reading after "mision". i can't stand people with a mission, let alone those with a mission and not enough s's.

why is this thread only talking about music webzines?

btw, i get ideas for new bands to listen to through fserves lists on irc. :heh:

rahvin said:
i can't stand people with a mission

Don't spit on the face of zillions of american heroes, please. :rolleyes:

rahvin said:
why is this thread only talking about music webzines?

Dunno. I guess it is because of Downfall's doubt to decide if such an offer would worthwhile at all.

rahvin said:
btw, i get ideas for new bands to listen to through fserves lists on irc.

That's true, my italian friend, but surely you request a song from that file server immediatly after that idea is caged into your mind, am I wrong? ;) Yes, it is a very useful way to get in touch with new bands and appreciate if they are your cup of tea or not, that's why I don't consider the "mp3 fashion" as a dangerous menace to the music itself.

And concerning ways to know about new bands, when internet was an unknown world for me (several years ago) I had to dig bands up by choosing randomly in a music store. I remember that I started judging the cover and buying the album with a better artwork. :)

|ngenius (Not an american hero)
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|ngenius said:
Dunno. I guess it is because of Downfall's doubt to decide if such an offer would worthwhile at all.
:) actually, it's not so much that. the point of this thread is to ask you if you read webzines. the question just sprung into my mind after I read the mail... :)
yes I read some webzines, to find news, to read about bands i havn't heard about before and also to compare reviews. and to compare the reviews with my opinion/impression. also, most webzines often have live reviews and pictures of the gigs :)
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