Do you think there are many closet homos in metal?

Originally posted by kamikaze
I dont have a problem with peoples sexuality either. It just doesnt make sense to me. The new metal youth could be like this:
Billy: Hey bobby want to catch that emperor/Ulver show?
Bobby: Sure billy, Right after I suck your dick
Billy: Sonds great! Hail metal!! :headbang:

Well hey, You never know:lol:

LMAO!!!! :lol::lol::lol: man I had to laugh at this hahahaha :lol: anyway I don't care if the musician is gay or not if he's talented i'm not anyone to judge him but this is a very good point

Plus more gays=more ladies for me and the other heteros.

More women for me :D

hey kamikaze thanks for the joke I needed that :lol:
Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord
Where was the joke in this thread's original post?

Not a joke...more like...I was bored or something. :cry:
You fuckers are a tough crowd! :D
Good thread Tara. Some people take things WAY too seriously... :lol:

I'm a huge old Priest fan, and personally, I thought Priest was better before Halford came out... when he came out, he had to make some big point about being gay, and joined Fight... Not that his sexual orientation matters any, but it bugs me when people have to rub it in your faces to prove some point to themselves or whatever. Jeez, how fucking nice.
Originally posted by tara
Some of you are a bunch of sensitive tree-hugging fucktards. Take a pill and try to understand that the whole idea behind starting this thread was a fucking joke! :D and my opinions of a particular band or individual wouldn't change if they were to come out of the closet. Thank you, thank you and fuck you! :D

Hahahah...damn hippies...have you seen How's Your News? Given your preoccupation with 'tards I imagine you shouldn't dare miss it...I have no clue how that 3 post thing happened, by the way.