Doctor Who

Su Jacko

Jul 12, 2003
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Christopher Eccleston is the new doctor...that'll be the first time in it's history that women have also wanked over it.

Anyway, I recon it'll be alright because Russell T Davies is the writer and 'Second Coming' was written by him and had the Eccleston in and it was a brilliant prog.

the end :)
Well i must say fookin sound, he is not bad at all :loco: i think he has to be the fittest of them all. Also i love Dr Who, i went to see a Dr Who convention when i was a kid and shit me pants at the daleks and ran out of the convention :erk:
:hotjump: I thought the Doctor was but a long disitant memory...

I knew there was this new development of Doctor Who going on but figured it never really see the light of day... Where pray tell is there more info on the current progress? Or can somone post a pic of this Christopher Eccleston bloke??? :D Some of us americans aren't up on who's who :loco:
Justo Peralta said:
:hotjump: I thought the Doctor was but a long disitant memory...

I knew there was this new development of Doctor Who going on but figured it never really see the light of day... Where pray tell is there more info on the current progress? Or can somone post a pic of this Christopher Eccleston bloke??? :D Some of us americans aren't up on who's who :loco:
He's not exactly gorgeous, but he has to be the best lookin of the bunch we have had :)
Susie said:
Well i must say fookin sound, he is not bad at all :loco: i think he has to be the fittest of them all. Also i love Dr Who, i went to see a Dr Who convention when i was a kid and shit me pants at the daleks and ran out of the convention :erk:

your shitting yourself at the daleks compliments mine..
I went with me nan and one of them came towards me so I screamed and did a Linford Christie. Was that in town?
Strangelight said:

Ah your tom baker compliments mine , cos i had this argument last night while mick was posting the guy i remember as being off "Once upon a time" to read childrens stories, Tom baker has the WHO voice and always will :)
Strangelight said:
Ah no, I just legged it dead fast, with me nob twatting against me knees :lol:
I was scared of the daleks until i realised we lived on the seventh floor and they hadnt a hope of getting up the stairs :tickled: and i got a tom baker action figure for me birthday once and me little brother broke it in under ten minutes :erk:

as the older brother said recently "my generation was doomed to be weirdos, we had the magic roundabout as kids and then moved onto dr who..."