Just got an email from my daughter's doctor..

I hope it works out. TO me, 11K doesn't sound too bad for a surgery like that. I had a cyst removed from my neck last year (outpatient) and it was 8K...I have insurance, though.

I have 4 year old triplets who were born premature following a 56 day OB ICU stay for my wife with preterm labor...The bill to insurance was over 500,000 for the kids and her...After insurances portion, I paid around $30,000 in 2006 for all the medical bills for everything. I ended up having to take out a loan, and we live paycheck to paycheck, but my kids are healthy, wife is healthy, so it was all worth it. and in 2 1/2 years, it's all paid off, lol.

Hang in there, man!
My daughter was born with a congenital hip dysplasia, and despite doing everything OK, running, jumping, her left leg is already around 5~7cm shorter than the other. We've talked to our doctor, that indicated another doctor in Sao Paulo (for those that don't know, it is the biggest city on Brazil). This other doctor is the best on the whole latin american for children hip surgery. I contacted him by phone, exchanged a couple emails, and today he gave me the price quote for the surgery: around $11k! Maybe it doesnt sound like it is too much for US and Europe folks, but here it is a lot of money. We're thinking of doing some shows with friend band's but still, it is lot of money. I am still like 'WOW', and later I'll figure out what to do. i don't have much stuff to sell besides my SG and my car, so I'll see what to do. My wage barely pays my bills, so I still do know. Anyway, a father has to do what a father gotta do, so I'll find a way.


Ivan I am praying for you and your daughter. Wee had the same issue with our little girl, fortunately they detected it at 2 months of age, and she was in a half body cast until 1 year. Now she is 5 yrs old and back on track. From what our Doctor has told us, this is a very curable situation, and things will be fine. I know that $$$$$ is an issue, but have faith my metal brother! God works in mysterious ways, and I know everything will end up great.

All the best my friend!!!!!!

ProgpowerUSA Kick-off promoter
Bassist for Krucible, Mindcrime, Echo Temple
God works in mysterious ways, and I know everything will end up great.

I can only speak for myself and my contribution was just a small one...still, I don't think it was God who told me to donate.

usually it's better to putyour trust in friends or even in humanity/people (that's risky one though) than in the tooth fairy.
Ivan: hope it's all gonna end well for your family and especially your daughter.
Trust in your friends, your own skills and abilities, do what you can (I'm sure you're doing that anyways) and I'm confident you'll get this done.
don't rely on some imaginery friend to give you money, real friends are the safer bet.

(nothing wrong with believing in god, if that's what you're into, but even christians admit that people have a free will, god will not make them do anything/make them help you, if people help you it's because THEY are good, give THEM credit for that)
I can only speak for myself and my contribution was just a small one...still, I don't think it was God who told me to donate.

usually it's better to putyour trust in friends or even in humanity/people (that's risky one though) than in the tooth fairy.
Ivan: hope it's all gonna end well for your family and especially your daughter.
Trust in your friends, your own skills and abilities, do what you can (I'm sure you're doing that anyways) and I'm confident you'll get this done.
don't rely on some imaginery friend to give you money, real friends are the safer bet.

(nothing wrong with believing in god, if that's what you're into, but even christians admit that people have a free will, god will not make them do anything/make them help you, if people help you it's because THEY are good, give THEM credit for that)

don´t wanna start a religion war, but I totally agree, very nice way to keep the preachers away hahaha