Does anybody know...

suela said:
...any news about Eric? How he´s doing? What he´s doing?

Actually, we'll be seeing Eric this weekend. We're hitting the recording studio to lay down 4 new songs as part of a pre-production demo for the next CD, and Eric is going to contribute the keyboard elements for us.

He still reads this board all the time, im sure he'll answer the rest!
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hey suela!

Yeah, I'm coming up to Chicago (Racine, Wisconsin, actually) this weekend to do some keyboard stuff for some new ND songs. Should be fun to see everyone again and hang out for a while in the studio.

Apart from that, I'm doing a little work on electric guitar for a friend's album of mellow acoustic-pop kind of stuff- it's a little like Coldplay at times, I guess. The link is below. I'm also writing some for, doing reviews, interviews (did one with Cave In recently), and editorials for fun.
Thanks for checking in! I'm here at fairly often, so let me know what's up.

Yes, as you see, Eric reads and posts here on the forum and we're glad to have him around....unfortunately, I don't think he is filling you in on the FULL story of what he's been "up to".....for your reading pleasure, I shall unfold the horrible details.....
After leaving Chicago in a drunken rage and telling everyone to "go to hell" and "bite his biscuit", he jumped in his car, booze in hand, and set out on the open highway, where he finally wound up in Vegas. Along the way he hooked up with a midget named Smitty and an ex-cabaret musician named Fats. The three of them went on a week long binge of beer, mayhem, and consuming mass quantities of pixie stix. Occasionally for fun they'd call up people like Neil Kernon and make the sound of a Peterson tuner smashing to the floor, then call him something obscene and hang up the phone. Finally the authorities caught up with them, dragging Eric away against his will whilst shouting "Reno sucks!" (apparently not realising he was actually in Vegas) He tried to make his escape by impersonating a lemur inside the animal cages at the Mirage, but was quickly found...After a few weeks in Betty Ford clinic, Eric collected his things and finally headed for St. Louis, and you know the rest of the story.....
Smitty the midget now does part time charity work for recovering alcoholic child stars and is currently up for a supporting role in the upcoming film "Webster-the revenge."
Fats the musician was last seen playing clubs down in New Orleans for booze money, and is often heard to quip that he wonders whatever happened to that "white kid with the biscuit infatuation".

.......obviously this is all a fabrication. But its funny imagining Eric on such adventures! See you this weekend Eric!

p.s. Yes I have too much time on my hands at this moment, sorry!
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Here we see Eric and Fats arriving in beautiful sunny Las Vegas, anxious to play those slots! And maybe even do some gambling.


For some extra pocket money, Eric did indeed play typewriter on the streets of old downtown Glitzville. Ah, the sound of clacking keys and garbled showtunes!

Smitty, of course, was snapping pictures at the time.
Thank you guys for your answers...I hope you´ll have a lot uf fun this WE. *waves*
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
Yes, as you see, Eric reads and posts here on the forum and we're glad to have him around....unfortunately, I don't think he is filling you in on the FULL story of what he's been "up to".....for your reading pleasure, I shall unfold the horrible details.....
After leaving Chicago in a drunken rage and telling everyone to "go to hell" and "bite his biscuit", he jumped in his car, booze in hand, and set out on the open highway, where he finally wound up in Vegas. Along the way he hooked up with a midget named Smitty and an ex-cabaret musician named Fats. The three of them went on a week long binge of beer, mayhem, and consuming mass quantities of pixie stix. Occasionally for fun they'd call up people like Neil Kernon and make the sound of a Peterson tuner smashing to the floor, then call him something obscene and hang up the phone. Finally the authorities caught up with them, dragging Eric away against his will whilst shouting "Reno sucks!" (apparently not realising he was actually in Vegas) He tried to make his escape by impersonating a lemur inside the animal cages at the Mirage, but was quickly found...After a few weeks in Betty Ford clinic, Eric collected his things and finally headed for St. Louis, and you know the rest of the story.....
Smitty the midget now does part time charity work for recovering alcoholic child stars and is currently up for a supporting role in the upcoming film "Webster-the revenge."
Fats the musician was last seen playing clubs down in New Orleans for booze money, and is often heard to quip that he wonders whatever happened to that "white kid with the biscuit infatuation".

:lol: , I think I've been away from this board for tooooo long.
May as well add a little side note for Eric....

I discovered a new brewery here in TexAssss called BJ's Restaurant and Brewery ( This place was HUGE and their decor was BEAUTIFUL. The area wasn't quite as impressive as say, the RAM's, but nice nonetheless. We tried most of their beers. I tell ya I actually liked their Hefeweizen. It wasn't as "banana-ie" as most, very smooth. Surprisingly I also was quite impressed with their Red. Nice full-bodied beer with the SLIGHTEST berry aftertaste. I think it might become my favorite.

The also CLAIMED to have Chicago-style pizza. Of course we had to try this. Ya know, it wasn't bad actually. It was deep only complaint is that it didn't have a butter crust. I think it's probably the closest I will get to Chicago pizza here.

They also have special beer nights each month where they feature a different style of beer. The next one features Belgium beers I believe. You pay $16 and it's all you can drink. They've got Happy Hours each day as well. Hell help me if I find a job that is near this place, hehe.

Anyway, just thought I'd share that. Cheers!
Finally the authorities caught up with them, dragging Eric away against his will whilst shouting "Reno sucks!" (apparently not realising he was actually in Vegas)

It doesn't matter where you are, it's still true :)
ColdDarkNord said:
Don't fuckin' tease me, Paul!!! :yell:

Didn't see u in messenger for a long while...
hows is ur daughter btw?

Daughter is amazing! Couldn't be better!

The 4 song recording is done. We recorded and mixed half a full length worth of music is 3 days. The four songs total just under 28 mins. This came out so much better then any of us expected it to, we need to sit on this and consider what to do with it. The production is far superior to 'The Knowing', and damn close to 'To Welcome the Fade'.

About the songs... They came out much heavier then anything we've done, and this has got to be the darkest material lyricly, and at times musically we've recorded. I hope fans of the band will still find this as moving as our past material. It's just moving in a different way. It hit much harder, and more direct.

Song titles for the recording are: 1. In the Absence of Grace, 2. Swallowed By the Moon, 3. The Dead Leaf Echo, 4. Dark World Burden.

More info later!
Steve420 said:
The song titles qare god :)

Maybe a preview of the next album soon?
O r a limitied promo?

I would need the thumbs up from the rest of the band, and then, maybe, we can post a couple minute samples. No full songs though. We're to far away from a release to spoil the music just yet. But I am interested in reactions, so if you want to come hang out, we'd be glad to play it for you. :D
The new material definately took us all by's funny how you can write a song, play it in rehearsals about a hundred times, and still be surprised by how it turns out once you get into the studio.
The songs overall have a definately heavy vibe....I go back and forth between thinking that the material is way different than our usual sound, and thinking that the material is not really a stretch for us at all.....if that makes any sense? Different, but still us, I guess you could say.
I have to say that I am extremely pleased with how the material came out, and perhaps for the first time since I joined the band five years ago, I have actually come home from the studio feeling good about what we've accomplished. If the rest of the songwriting and recording goes like this, then I will feel good for sure....
One thing I can say confidently at this point.....whether people love our new material, or whether they wind up hating it, I will at least be happy with what we've done, regardless. In the past I have at times worried about the reception to new material from the public, but this time, I feel very confident in our new stuff.
As for letting people hear it, I am very anxious for you all to check it out, but I agree with Paul that it's far too soon to let these out, considering its like half of the next album! By the time people heard the new album, they'd be sick of these four songs already LOL But yeah, I can definately see letting out some samples at least hehe......
Novembers Paul said:
I would need the thumbs up from the rest of the band, and then, maybe, we can post a couple minute samples. No full songs though. We're to far away from a release to spoil the music just yet. But I am interested in reactions, so if you want to come hang out, we'd be glad to play it for you. :D

Hmmmm... over 1000 miles.... I can't drive... I would need to walk...
By the time I got there The album would be old news :lol:
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
By the time people heard the new album, they'd be sick of these four songs already LOL

But I guess I have to learn to be more patient.
Trust me, when you spend eight to twelve hours a day on a computer and the only thing you listen to is For Every Leaf That Falls for four days in a row, you don't get sick of it :)