Does anybody know...

Novembers Paul said:
Sound off your opinions.
I think the official state bird for Missouri should be changed from the Bluebird to something more interesting. For instance:

Spheniscus demersus

Jackass (Or Black-Footed) Penguin

Geographic Range
Ethiopian: The Jackass Penguin is found only off the coast of South Africa. They breed on twenty-four islands offshore between Namibia and Port Elizabeth, South Africa. On the mainland, there are colonies of penguins at Betty's Bay and Simonstown, South Africa, and in Namibia.

When parents stop taking care of the young, they must learn to fend for themselves. Upon reaching maturity ( of which only 40% ever do) they find a mate and remain with them for the rest of their lives. The adults, when hunting in the sea, live in groups of fifty to one hundred. While nurturing the young, however, the adults may live a more secluded life. These penguins live and hunt together and may look for food 50 km from their nesting grounds. Jackass Penguins are able to get this far from shore because they can swim up to 7 km per hour.
Individuals communicate to one another by squawking. The Jackass Penguin gets its name from its loud braying call.
An interesting behavior of this penguin is its manner of cooling off in the heat. The Jackass Penguin spends most of the day in the water and spends the cool night on land. If they are unable to reach the water, as is the case when watching over the eggs, the Jackass Penguin can dissipate heat through its flippers, feet, and open beak.

Kindly disregard the fact that it's not indigenous to the Missouri area.
i had to do something. i can't d/l the clip at work.

glad it all came out well guys!
i had fun over the weekend. except the bikers. i will NEVER AGAIN ask myself "How many bikers does it take to overpopulate a small Wisconsin town?"
I definately didn't have any problem with the bikers in general. I know my bandmates had a problem with them mainly because the hotel they stayed at was infested with many bikers, who decided to awake at 6 a.m. and start revving their engines while blasting live Santana songs. Luckily for me, I was so exhausted that I managed to sleep through most of it on the first night (I drove home from the studio on the second night). But I gotta say, driving to and from the studio on Sunday was a bit rough, with the rain and all those bikers on the road. I unfortunately saw a couple of accidents involving bikes.
I think the more disturbing factor of the weekend was the fact that all the hotels/motels in Wisconsin were pretty booked up, resulting in even the most two-bit dumpy places charging people $130 or more for a shitty little room. Unfortunately, because we procrastinated on booking rooms until the last minute, we fell victim to the price gouging ourselves.
The soultion?
rent a van and bring sleeping bags :)

maybe you can sleep in the studio... and get a few of those inflatable mattreses.

Or record in a local area?


I feel a breeze from my woofer because I'm listening to Dawn Breaks too loudl :)