Does anyone get Children of Bodom?

gaschamber said:
"enbalmed in the black harvest of frozen solitude (part 1)"

good lyrics!! And the title, just perfect. And it has to be like 15 minutes long. I love this song by Setherial, In The Still of a Northern Fullmoon, but its the most cookie cutter bm song out there, the title, the riffs, the length (11 minutes)

But Children of Bodom never did anything for me. I remember the hype when they were about to release their first album..and it was ALL good..until the faggy keyboards kicked. I HATE KEYBOARDS!! I mean..some bands did it ok..but only for MINOR atmosphere. Dimmu Borgirs ORIGINAL Stormblast is about as much as I can take of the ole keyboards.

And lyrics..check out Bal Sagoth..too funny.
schenkadere said:
I don't get it. They don't suck and Laiho is no doubt a very talented guitarist...a horrible vocalist though.

Anyway...I have Fear the Reaper and the latest one. They're overly stylized...every song sounds the same to me.

Am I missing something? Can someone enlighten me?

Um.. The album is Follow the Reaper, and yes Are You Dead Yet? is a horrible album. If you want to see why they are great, check out Something Wild and Hatebreeder.
enjoi17 said:
Um.. The album is Follow the Reaper, and yes Are You Dead Yet? is a horrible album. If you want to see why they are great, check out Something Wild and Hatebreeder.

You're right...sorry about that...brain fart. I'll look into those two...I'll give them another chance.
We call bands like Bodom and Nightwish "safemetal" her in Finland.

Its average radio stuff here, suddenly everyone has the change to experience hard metal music with safe keyboards and clear singing, or Helloween-styled "black" "metal". Good (and succesful) musicians they are....

God I miss the days when listening to Metallica actually got me unpopular in my school. Like I wasn´t before.