does anyone have....

im looking for guitar tabs
metaltabs i use all the time and they dont have anything from the avenger :( and dsr has the same pagan blood tab as death8699.... and that is the only tab i ever find for it... and its not to right....
thanks anyway though...
if someone else out there can help????
What is exactly wrong with this tab?
I'm a 4-string bastard, so I'ven't tested it....
BTW, has anybody here a tab for North Sea Storm?
It doesn't matter if it is guitar or bass. If its a guitar tab I will write the bass one myself.

NP: Sodom - M16
AxeOfDarkness said:
hmm.... that looks funny... amon amarth using drop D...(well, C w/drop B).... but it looks a little more correct than the other one.. ill try it out when i can.

Do it yourself man,there is no better way,believe me! Most tab have errors on them and its normal.. I found out 3 days ago i made a mistake on a simple riff from Victorious March,i was listening to Siegreicher Marsch and for some reason thats when i notice... maybe my earing is better for lower tunings ,i dont know :) hehehe

btw,Victorious March is theonly song i tabed and it was done a few years ago!I think its pretty accurate compared to some other tabs i have seen i wont mention :D
well... i figured it out by myself now! :) id say its about 99% correct.... i cant find anything wrong with it and the only difference would probably be they play the same exact notes only on different strings.... id tab it out but i suck at writing the tabs and my timing is always way off on it... i might try sometime later though... it was much easier than i thought it would be...
if anyone happens to find/have a correct tab put it here so i can compare....
AxeOfDarkness said:
well... i figured it out by myself now! :) id say its about 99% correct.... i cant find anything wrong with it and the only difference would probably be they play the same exact notes only on different strings.... id tab it out but i suck at writing the tabs and my timing is always way off on it... i might try sometime later though... it was much easier than i thought it would be...
if anyone happens to find/have a correct tab put it here so i can compare....

Nice man,i suck at finding notes because i dont have a "sound memory" and you probably dont suck at tabbing its tabbing that sucks! Very boring doing all those lines and making all the right spaces,blalbalbal!
AxeOfDarkness said:
well i found the site... (duh!) and they have free downloadable demos of it and stuff... i was playin with it and got confused.... ill figure it out later

Cool ,try kazaa for the full version + CD-key or IRC if u dont how that works
AxeOfDarkness said:
fuck kazaa!!! that piece of shit fucked up my computer so many times its not funny!! kazaa is a piece of shit!!

Ok man dont try then! Might aswell punch me in the face while your at it! hahaha joke.... There is some channel on irc and different servers that u can leech from and downlaod alot of crap n' stuff hehehe