Does anyone here have a Mesa Cab (2x12 or 4 x12) with v-30's?

I have the 4x12 and the 2x12. I like the low end on the 4x12 better. Both cabs sound great though, never had any problems with them.
they make great stuff, tho they're getting to be rather pricey (i think the 4x12's go for $900 new now?)

oddly enough i think the recto 2x12 is the best sounding cab they make...i remember trying one alongside the traditional and standard 4x12's and for some reason the 2x12 sounded the best of the bunch, even tho it's got the same speakers (v30's) and everything

the only thing that steered me away from them was the price tho...i ended up getting a splawn cab at the time because it was $150 cheaper, and had more options to offer...can't say i regret my decision

you can't go wrong with mesa tho, especially if you can buy used and get a good deal
you lucky bastards!

no way you would even get a used one for that price over here...

we also have to pay $800 for a marshall cab with gt75's, and i think orange 4x12's are in like the $1200 range...don't even get me started on deizel stuff
we also have to pay $800 for a marshall cab with gt75's, and i think orange 4x12's are in like the $1200 range...don't even get me started on deizel stuff

$1200 is a good deal for a orange 4x12 over here they cost more i think people in the states have the best deal when it comes to most gear. Ok OK we have engl :lol:
Prices in the USA and in EU are pretty similar as far as numbers go...only the first are $ and the second euro ;/

Oh, and...
Powerball $2000 USD
Invader $2800
Savage $2200
Special edition $3700
Savage 1888,00 €
Special edition 2980,00 €
Invader 2199,00 €
Powerball 1499,00 €

Do the math :)
I used to jam with a guy who had the vertical 2x12 and it sounded as good as any other mesa cab I've heard. I don't really notice a difference between the 2x12 and 4x12 anyway. Both sound fantastic to me, and if there is any difference it's negligible. The vertical 2x12 is a much cooler looking cab IMO, if that matters to you.
I recently built a v30 1x12 cab -- gigantic, 20x20x14 (inches) -- sounds effing absofantominal, damn near as good as my Boogie 4x12. In fact, the sounds I've recorded from it have been better than with the 4x12 because I can take my time, recording at home now.

You can buy one from avatar for $200 or built your own for even less, say $150. I should have done this a long time ago!!!