Does anyone here post on other bands sites?

Mr. Wu

May 7, 2002
Visit site
Once there is a release date for the record, you should post everywhere you can. Get as much traffic to the Anthrax site as possible.
Originally posted by Mr. Wu
Once there is a release date for the record, you should post everywhere you can. Get as much traffic to the Anthrax site as possible.

Good thought, I will do the same! I myself post at a couple of sites, like "Overkill", the old school metal forum, hey, I'll be sure to list it on my site :spin: So as many people as possible know!


I post on the Jerry Cantrell board now and then but I doubt telling everyone there about Anthrax would do any good since that board is mostly a bunch of girls talking about how much they want Jerry.
The only other one I post on is the Pantera forum. Every time I ever post anything about Anthrax there I usually get flamed though. For the most part it seems they are not very open minded to anything but Pantera wich is cool considering it IS the Pantera board.
Ultimatemetal, Iron Maiden, DragonForce, Dumah, as well as Final Fantasy Online :cool: yeah, could publiscise a bit! But only if I buy the album and like it....
Originally posted by Ayeka
But only if I buy the album and like it....
Two things I find disturbing about the above statement:

1. You mean there's a chance that you might not buy the album?

2. You mean there's a chance that you might not like it?

I hope there isn't a chance for #1. I know there isn't a chance for #2, which reinforces why #1 shouldn't have a chance either.

On another note, we should all find out where the Dissaray board is, and all post there about the new album (I told you I hold grudges :lol: )
Originally posted by Brentney Spears
I used to post on the Sofia Vergara newsgroup but then she got that breast reduction. I wish she had auctioned off the excess tit on ebay.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Damn, dude! You made me ruin another pair of shorts!
Originally posted by Bad Mr Frosty
Who are you on Iron Maiden?

Quorthon :)

Two things I find disturbing about the above statement:

1. You mean there's a chance that you might not buy the album?

2. You mean there's a chance that you might not like it?[/B}

Cut me some slack, bro! :p I got a list of albums I want that goes back two years! I only heard about this new album two days ago! And I was gonna try and get something like Spreading The Disease or whatnot first....time, money, bro ;) the two things there are not enough of in this world -_-
Hey, I registered for the Halford Quorum, but it says that I have to wait to be added to que or something to be activated... which is pretty dumb I think because the Halford board is run by the same company that runs tha 'Thrax board, and I got activated within a couple of mnutes here!