Does anyone like Travis?

Northern Lights

Sep 14, 2002
You know, that Scottish band with kind of a radiohead sound...
I think they'e really good... I love the fact that their songs are short and simple, they're easy to enjoy.
Anyone else who likes them? Or am I the only metal fan who does...
Yeah, i think they're quite good. I've got the "The man who" on minidisc, it's ok and the latest album is enjoyable, above all the latests track:The humpty dumpty love song (I know it's spelled wrong :p )
So Northern Lights, whom do you like more:Radiohead or Travis?
And why?
Originally posted by falling bird
Yeah, i think they're quite good. I've got the "The man who" on minidisc, it's ok and the latest album is enjoyable, above all the latests track:The humpty dumpty love song (I know it's spelled wrong :p )
So Northern Lights, whom do you like more:Radiohead or Travis?
And why?

The humpty dumpty love song is one of my favs, actually, so nice taste! :D
Actually, I haven't heard enough of Radiohead's music to really compare it to Travis... so I can't say which I think is the best. I'll just stick to saying that Travis is my fav... got all 3 of their albums, and I gotta agree with Kveldssanger; they're ideal for relaxing and easy listening :)
Their first album "the man who..." was alright, got a bit boooooring after that. Although if you want to hear something funny, as a B-side to "why does it always rain on me" they did a cover of "Hit me Baby" or whatever it's called from Britney Slut. Kinda makes it sound alright, a really sad and lonely song.
they're alright, The Fear and the bonus track on 'The Man Who' album are 2 of my favourite tracks, brilliant. but i only really like half of that album and none of their other stuff. but still good for that.