Does Anyone Else Like This Band?!?!?!

You, sir, are absolutely correct.
No one is trying to oppress anyone.
And quite honestly, I can see how ALOT of people get turned off by "Christianity."
I MYSELF will even admit that 90% of it is just a bunch of hypocrites. Yes it is true. However, I aspire to be a person who helps to change that. I don't force my beliefs down on anyone, but I seek to live a life that Christ would be proud of, but we are all human and no one is perfect.

And I actually saw Impending Doom on Saturday. (Feb 25th)
And he said that too (aswell as every other show Ive seen them play), and that is definitely a man with a heart of gold.

Brook is definitely one of the nicest guys I've ever met. I asked him to do guest vocals on my band's album and he was more than happy to.

Really, any lasting establishments with power will end up corrupt at some point. I think a vast majority of Christians, or people in general, regardless of belief, are corrupt in the sense that they're basically stupid, hypocritical nuisances to people.

I also understand that those types of people will always exist so fighting it is only a nuisance, as well.

But this is kind of really OT. I personally enjoy For Today. I don't listen to them that much, but I like their sound and their devotion to their beliefs.
It doesn't matter if you "love" everyone, if you proclaim your christianity to me, I will lambast you.
I'm glad if your faith has had a positive influence on your life.
However it is, and always has been, an overwhelmingly negative force in this world. Millions upon millions of deaths, directly caused by christianity (all religions really)
You may argue that religion is just a conduit for the terrible things that humanity is capable of, however, it is still a platform for it and doesn't make it any more acceptable.
i apolagize for mycomment earlier.
i didnt expect this to be taken this far, i was just hoping to get your opinion on the music and video, not their Christianity. To be honest i dont care if you like their beleifs but you guys dont have to sit there and bomb us, DanLights you sir are immature. that being said im done with this thread, im not replaying to anything that will be said in the future.
You are the one being immature, bringing up the topic of Christianity (and horrible deathcore) on a metal forum.
What the fuck did you expect?
You will continue to provoke people by being so overtly/aggressively christian on here.
Be proud if your beliefs if you want to......if someone asks you (I'm referring to your avatar btw)
There are several devout Christians on here, and it very rarely causes any friction.
DayByDay- In all honesty, you were being a bit immature, apology accepted.
ratsapprentice- You are correct too. I joined this forum to help me in my aspirations of becoming an audio engineer, not to force my beliefs on anyone. I just stated my opinion since it seemed like there was a lot of bashing going on.