Tracking/mixing multiple songs per session?

i can only use 32 channels on my liquid mix, and every song requires different settings to mix obviously. this would never work for me. i dont think it is very efficient to run that many plugs unnecessarily at once! i could see maybe tracking like this???? but what a pain to move all the files out later!
I use Cubase SX 3 and I use one project setup for all the songs. I've never had any issues with it. I originally used to have a project for each song and it was a giant pain in the ass and a huge waste of time in my opinion. I even think "You jackass" of myself thinking back to when I use to do that. :D
did it last week, recording and mixing a jazz trio. it depends a lot really.
you`ll never see this being done in a dub or pop album
I used to, until my last album ran into huge problems. It was tracked on about 4 different systems, so maybe if everything is done on one system it's a safer. Mine ended up only working right on 1 of the systems, so I had to so and split each song out of it into a new session.

I only do 1 song per session now. It was a little quicker to mix 1 song and then base the rest of the songs mix's the old way. But it it's not that much trouble copying settings.

Backing and cleaning up files is easier for me the single song way.