fuckin pro tools. need help


May 23, 2005
St Louis
Was supposed to do some vocals today....... and while tracking pro tools froze and said "one or more tracks are too dense". I rebooted, got half another tracked and it did it again. rebooted, then pro tools wouldnt even start.....dae error 199. I looked it up on digidesign and it said i means the dae is corrupt and I have to reinstall pro tools. Well after about 5 times about doing that pro tools seemd to start right, but my session still wont open, either gets halfway into loading it and just quits, or will give me a message like "other programs are using the hardware, blah blah..." then forces me to quit.
I am on a mac in os 9, but this session has gone form being started in MAC os 9, edited some in PC, bass tracked in os9, edited and guitar laid on PC, then back to MAC. I messed with the tracks some a couple days ago (same session, but befroe laying the vocals) and it worked fine.....

Also small sessions seem to open up fine now

Now the session that is having problems is a huge one...like 10 gigs. I recorded an entire album in one session (9 songs) so maybe it's just too big. I know everyone says that's a retarded idea, But i always liked tracking and mixing like that, everything moves quicker. I have done it like 10 times and never had a problem before(granted I never had to move the files from one place and back like this....) But now maybe it's bit me.

Pro tools went through a multitude of differnet errors with number ID's and i cant remember them all now.

...but if anyone has ANY ideas on how to fix this please help......:waah:
Get Digital Performer and the OMF thing and voila. I recently ditched PT to go with DP4.6 and I'm so much happier. Plus I can use my 002R with it. Luckily all of the recent sessions I did in PT were completely finished already so I didn't have to worry about buying the OMF converter thing to go from PTS to the DP format. Editing kicks so much more ass in DP. As far as the DAE errors you are getting...make sure everything you have is updated, that's the only thing I can think of. However, most Mac users have their comps updated as soon as the update comes out, so if it's already been done, then I would say spend some time on the DUC forum and see if you can get some help there. Other than that, James or Andy could help tons, I know that.

Also, I have had 15gb sessions, all in one session, run perfectly fine on my Mac, although it's a G5 with the dual 2.0 and 4gb of RAM, updated to the latest everything at all times. So I dunno if that makes a difference. Why do you still run OS9? You need to update that shiz man :) Sorry to hear about the problems, hope you get all the kinks worked out.

Try defragging your audio drive,
Then try and open your session, if you get it open, consolidate all your active tracks, remove the unused regions and then "Save As" with just the new consolidated tracks to another folder (if possible another drive... just for organization sakes)
If not, try launching the session on your PC PT setup (or someone else's PT setup), If it opens, try the above.

My feeling/experience with my 001 PT setup is that there is a corrupt file in your session.
If all else fails and I found this on the Digidesign answer base, but you probably did this.
"Delete DAE from the System Folder/DAE Folder then reinstall Pro Tools from the original CD ROM.”

Hope this helps,
Andy Sneap said:
whats the buffer size and memory settings?

I can't say the numbers off my head right now..... but it was whatever digidesign listed as the "optimum settings for mac" like 2 on the buffer and between 40k and 50k for pro tools and 50 and 60k for the dae. (I might have those figures backwards.....

If all else fails and I found this on the Digidesign answer base, but you probably did this.
"Delete DAE from the System Folder/DAE Folder then reinstall Pro Tools from the original CD ROM.”

Yea i did that about 5 times. cause a few different error numbers all told me to do that...

I can't switch anything up really, It's not my studio. but I would really like to mix and do vocals there....

It's a TDM system. 2 mix cards and 1 farm card. runnin on version 5.1 (I know OLD, but again not my studio.......) I have to work a session there today....mixing rap songs :erk: and all the small sesions are opening fine. maybe it is something corrupt in my session, but it DID open a couple days ago for a while with no problems so I don't know what the fuck.
i tried doing a whole album in one file once years ago... never again.

you could also do a "Save Copy in..", if you can get the file open, and specify that it copy all audio at 44.1 if you are at higher than that currently.. this will lower the file size and help a bit.
madbutcher said:
I recorded an entire album in one session (9 songs) so maybe it's just too big. I know everyone says that's a retarded idea, But i always liked tracking and mixing like that, everything moves quicker.

I usually work that way, always tracking the songs in individual projects, consolidating them after the editing is done and then I take them all to one project in order to mix (keeping the backup in case some editing is not good).

Andy nailed it, probably went through this a couple of times? :)
Andy Sneap said:
try uping the buffer size and memory/dae settings, and consolidate, may get you out the shit.

Tried....didn't work. Keep getting the " something reacquire......protools hardware in use by another application.....somethin...somethin...."

i tried doing a whole album in one file once years ago... never again.

you could also do a "Save Copy in..", if you can get the file open, and specify that it copy all audio at 44.1 if you are at higher than that currently.. this will lower the file size and help a bit.

Yea, never again for me either. Can't get the file open at all. It's already recorded all at 24 bit 44.1 anyway...

Tomorrow night I'm going to go to the PC digi 002 rig where i tracked the guitars (last thing that worked before this fuckup) and hope that I can get it open there. Should if i wa working it, but then again it did open on the mac for a few hours before i tried tracking vocals.

If I do get it open I want to get the songs into thier own session. Just to make sure....would the best way to do it be consolidating all the files (per song) so they all have the same length., then, export all of them out. Then open up a new session and import audio to track? repeat....

I did spend about 9 hours mixing and editing 2 other sessions today at the MAC TDM studio (only 1 gig max per session) and didn't encounter any problems or errors. So I guess it has to be that the session is so big that it can't be handled, or the possibility of corrupt files within my session...which I really hope isnt the case, because then I don't know what the hell to do.

Thanks for all the help.
Well I went back to the PC rig and the big session opend fine. Weird. But I consolidated all the files per song and got them into thier own sessions now. So even if these sessions dont want to open on the mac I should eb able to import the audio files to newly created sessions on the MAC studio. Only took about 5 hours.......

fuckin a