Mixing/tracking chain


Jul 4, 2009
I was wondering if anyone tracks with there full mixing template/chain setup.

Recording an EP and having gotten a song tracked then mixed how you like, save the whole mixing chain as a template (reaper) and track all other songs into that template. So you only have to adjust volumes and automate etc...
(Assuming guitars and everything is all the same)
I have a few templates I use, but it's mostly loaded up with plugs I like and different routing already setup for drums and busses to just save time. I usually have all my plugs unchecked though in the template so that way I'm not tempted to keep it as-is, and that way I'm forced to go in and just use which ones sound best for the mix.
I'll make a template with the 'basic' track sheet that the band are likely to use.

I never put plug-ins on the template because there's a fair chance that each song will require different things. I will copy and paste over settings between songs if the kick / snare / bass is the same - but rarely will I start out with an idea of what's going to happen..

I just wait for it to happen.